The CS480 Biomedical Signal and Image Processing course at UMass Boston. (2023-11-07, JavaScript, 0KB, 下载0次)
Implementation of camera calibration program by adjustment (2018-06-19, matlab, 9KB, 下载6次)
使用md5校驗和算法保 o文件 通俗的 f,就是為保 C數據的完整性,用一 N指定的算法對原始數據計算出的一個校驗值,接收方用同樣的 (2018-05-27, Others, 17KB, 下载0次)
http://www.pudn.com/Download/item/id/1527382444418723.html使用md5校驗和算法保 o文件 通俗的 f,就是為保 C數據的完整性,用一 N指定的算法對原始數據計算出的一個校驗值,接收方用同樣的 (2018-01-07, C/C++, 17KB, 下载1次)
tv broadcast a school color and two color correction tutorial (2015-11-04, Video, 23103KB, 下载1次)
the attitude ratrix descrpted by ouler angle (2015-06-28, Visual C++, 588KB, 下载19次)
The initial solution of a home, school, student video learning system, involving something more, you can refer to (2015-03-06, WORD, 51KB, 下载1次)
2014 Hikivision exam (2014-03-03, C++ Builder, 4103KB, 下载701次)
學校作業,可以把.64的文字檔案轉成bmp的image file
School homework, let .64 txt file to image file (2013-12-10, Visual C++, 22KB, 下载1次)
delphi implementation of image correction can be positive GAMMA program can be run directly (2013-09-16, Delphi, 170KB, 下载4次)
自己编写的直线两点式图像绘制函数,文件已带使用说明//编 写 人:Chernic//学 校:广州大学//联系邮箱:iamchernic@gmail.com
I have written two-point line drawing functions, file with instructions for use// Write the person: Chernic// School: Guangzhou University// Contact E-mail: iamchernic@gmail.com (2013-08-27, matlab, 1KB, 下载2次)
cameras self-calibration theory and experiments (2012-10-15, PDF, 108KB, 下载15次)
A shortest path query applet, using Floyd algorithm, their initialization of the school map. (2012-06-05, Visual C++, 5120KB, 下载3次)
Taiwan s elite to teach you to learn digital system. Explained the difference between digital and analog systems, and image processing as an example to describe the image of the design of digital systems.
(2012-01-07, Windows_Unix, 1839KB, 下载3次)
Vortex signal handler,
Mapping method to achieve cycle (2011-12-13, Visual C++, 1210KB, 下载9次)
Method of direct linear camera calibration procedure, compile in VC6.0 environment. (2011-12-06, Visual C++, 14KB, 下载31次)
Camera calibration procedure, the complete c++ code, comments, detailed and easy to understand, and have been verified (2011-11-15, Visual C++, 140KB, 下载78次)
Vb-based image processing, self-tuning parameters can be input template image quality (2011-09-22, Visual Basic, 18KB, 下载5次)
photoshop 图像处理工具中文学习无忧教程
photoshop image processing tools to learn Chinese worry Tutorial (2011-03-03, CHM, 1891KB, 下载1次)
图像认证中的博士论文PDF和答辩PPT,关于Image Hashing技术,最新下载自美国名校The University of Texas at Austin的Brian L. Evans教授的实验室网站
Thesis on robust image hashing downloaded from Professor Brian L. Evans in University of Texas at Austin in USA (2010-11-02, PDF, 2048KB, 下载31次)