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[其他] EasyToYou - IonCube Decoder [v8.4]

EasyToYou is a decoder of IonCube, as the name indicates, here you can decode the files encrypted with IonCube easily. We have developers working every day to keep the site and the decoder updated. If you want to decrypt any file, we offer the best market prices, check out that. More infos... EasyToYou already have 3 years. Here you can found on IonCube Decoder for less prices. That prices is like a donation for our work to take that website online because we don't have any advertising here. Some reasons to use EasyToYou: No ads 97% of decoded files through this ioncube files are correct! Can decode multiple files Easy to use 99.9% online for year We hope you enjoy, thank you.
EasyToYou is a decoder of IonCube, as the name indicates, here you can decode the files encrypted with IonCube easily. We have developers working every day to keep the site and the decoder updated. If you want to decrypt any file, we offer the best market prices, check out that. More infos... EasyToYou already have 3 years. Here you can found on IonCube Decoder for less prices. That prices is like a donation for our work to take that website online because we don't have any advertising here. Some reasons to use EasyToYou: No ads 97% of decoded files through this ioncube files are correct! Can decode multiple files Easy to use 99.9% online for year We hope you enjoy, thank you. (2017-11-13, PHP, 39468KB, 下载814次)


[WEB开发] BF-Blog0.2.0

基于zend framework的博客系统
zend framework (2009-04-06, PHP, 733KB, 下载23次)


[书籍源码] 52bfb9b898548

微信好友群加器 微信好友群加器 微信好友群加器 微信好友群加器
Micro message multifunctional friends (2014-01-02, PHP, 7168KB, 下载8次)


[WEB开发] Craigslist_Classified_Clone_4.97

Craigslist是非常著名的分类在线信息交流网站,Craigslist Classified Clone 4.97忠实于参照对象的产品逻辑而开发。
Craigslist is a very well-known classification of online information-sharing Web site, Craigslist Classified Clone 4.97 faithful to the light of the object logic and Product Development. (2009-02-06, PHP, 290KB, 下载7次)


[WEB开发] foomarker_0.A1

一个用PHP写的social bookmark,可以在服务器上收藏你的网址,让你无论何地都可以浏览收藏的页面。
Using PHP written by a social bookmark, can collection on the server your web site, so that regardless of where you can browse collections page. (2008-07-29, PHP, 221KB, 下载6次)


[WEB开发] myseat_v3_0.97.2

a program for ordering dinner, it is useful. User can develop further (2010-08-25, PHP, 1671KB, 下载4次)


[WEB开发] blog_22656_vywaxl

一份不错的php源码,程序代码参考价值高,这是一个用php脚本语言写的博客系统,BF-Blog 多用户 v0.2.0,一个简单的文本数据和多用户的网络日志系统执行目录中的install.php 按照提示进入安,参考的例子程序供学习参看。
A good php source code reference value , php scripting language to write a blog system , BF-Blog Multi-User v0.2.0, a simple text data and multi-user network log system to perform directory (2012-11-15, PHP, 623KB, 下载3次)


[WEB开发] www.chaopeshipin.com

www.chaopeshipin.com night shot over the line and touch online video, super touch 97 recently uploaded videos, free videos public touch super 97, super touch adult free public video, 97 video online resources super touch chaopeshipin.com (2016-07-23, PHP, 1764KB, 下载3次)


[其他] php-5.2.10-nts-Win32-VC6-x86

EasyToYou is a decoder of IonCube, as the name indicates, here you can decode the files encrypted with IonCube easily. We have developers working every day to keep the site and the decoder updated. If you want to decrypt any file, we offer the best market prices, check out that. More infos... EasyToYou already have 3 years. Here you can found on IonCube Decoder for less prices. That prices is like a donation for our work to take that website online because we don't have any advertising here. Some reasons to use EasyToYou: No ads 97% of decoded files through this ioncube files are correct! Can decode multiple files Easy to use 99.9% online for year We hope you enjoy, thank you.
EasyToYou is a decoder of IonCube, as the name indicates, here you can decode the files encrypted with IonCube easily. We have developers working every day to keep the site and the decoder updated. If you want to decrypt any file, we offer the best market prices, check out that. More infos... EasyToYou already have 3 years. Here you can found on IonCube Decoder for less prices. That prices is like a donation for our work to take that website online because we don't have any advertising here. Some reasons to use EasyToYou: No ads 97% of decoded files through this ioncube files are correct! Can decode multiple files Easy to use 99.9% online for year We hope you enjoy, thank you. (2020-06-21, PHP, 10142KB, 下载2次)


[Windows编程] guildbank

MuOnline Guild Bank 97-Season 2
MuOnline Guild Bank 97-Season 2 (2018-04-09, PHP, 2595KB, 下载2次)


[其他] (strong_a1) [suoqiu.net]

支持普通用户删除、编辑自己发帖的帖子 编辑可删除图片附件 发帖、编辑支持多图上传(对手机设备有一定要求) 支持外链图片显示【站外图片】 版块列表多种排版,可以 单列,双列,四列 显示版块 支持无限配色(后台插件可配置全套模板的颜色) 支持门户、社区首页、文章、频道、 支持各种特殊主题帖:活动贴(可上传活动图片),投票贴,悬赏贴,辩论贴,商品贴 支持分类信息发布(支持下拉选择,单选,上传图片,日期,数字,字串,邮箱等等) 注意:现在市场大部分模板都不支持、下拉与上传图片 支持时间日期选择器(为了增强用户体验,保持日期格式的正确,我们采用了手势日期选择器输入,发布活动贴、商品贴与分类信息时会用到) 支持付费主题购买 支持好友功能 支持快捷发布短消息(大大增强用户互动,在帖子页可以点击用户名,直接选择发送消息) 支持论坛公告、提醒(用户回帖提醒,好友请求等等,论坛比不可少的功能之一) 支持帖子列表瀑布流,图片,文字等多种方式排版(后台插件可控制) 全面优化了注册页,登入页,个人中心页面 支持QQ登入
A post that supports ordinary users to delete and edit their posts Editors can delete photo attachments Post editing, support multi upload (there are certain requirements for mobile phone equipment) Support outside chain picture display [outside of station] Support time and date selector (in order to enhance user experience and keep date format correctly, we use gesture date selector to input, post activity stickers, commodity stickers and classified information). Support paid theme purchase Support the function of friends Support the quick release of short messages (greatly enhancing user interaction, clicking the username in the post page, selecting sending messages directly) (2018-01-11, PHP, 2235KB, 下载2次)


[WEB开发] cat-img-bf_v2.0

Big cat bed image backup universal figure, downloads, removal tool, based on PHP environment, source code, using this program, please back up your original database before (2014-03-19, PHP, 12KB, 下载2次)


[网络编程] cat-img-bf_v2.0

Some webmasters for the article picture, or use some of the free map bed, or their own re-rented a dedicated server to place the picture, and some webmasters is the picture into a similar Sina microblogging that maybe not when Provide outbound sites. (2016-12-03, PHP, 17KB, 下载1次)


[其他] PHP%E5%92%8CMySQL+WEb+5th

php7 + mysql 网站开发 第五版,网站开发入门必读
Welcome to PHP and MySQL Web Development. Within its pages, you will find distilled knowledge from our experiences using PHP and MySQL, two of the most important and widely used web development tools around. (2019-03-04, PHP, 3658KB, 下载1次)


[Windows编程] a1doc

每当接手一个他人开发好的模块或者项目,看着那些没有写注释的代码,我们都无比抓狂。文档呢?!文档呢?!Show me the doc !! 程序员都很希望别人能写技术文档,而自己却很不希望要写文档。因为写文档需要花大量的时间去处理格式排版,想着新建的word文档放在哪个目录等各种非技术细节。 word文档零零散散地放在团队不同人那里,需要文档的人基本靠吼,吼一声然后上qq或者邮箱接收对方丢过来的文档。这种沟通方式当然可以,只是效率不高。 A1-DOC就是一个非常适合IT团队的在线文档分享工具,它可以加快团队之间沟通的效率。 它可以用来做什么 API文档 随着移动互联网的发展,BaaS(后端即服务)越来越流行。服务端提供API,APP端或者网页前端便可方便调用数据。用A1-DOC可以非常方便快速地编写出美观的API文档。 数据字典 一份好的数据字典可以很方便地向别人说明你的数据库结构,如各个字段的释义等。 说明文档 你完全可以使用A1-DOC来编写一些工具的说明书,也可以编写一些技术规范说明文档以供团队查阅。
it s a1-doc (2016-06-13, PHP, 11775KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] BF-Blog0.2

一个简单的文本数据和多用户的网络日志系统 执行目录中的install.php 按照提示进入安装。 Tags: BF-Blog 多用户
A simple text data and multi user network log system Install.php in the implementation of the directory according to the prompts to enter the installation. Tags:BF-Blog multi user (2016-04-21, PHP, 621KB, 下载1次)


[网络编程] cat-img-bf_v2.0

Some webmaster for the pictures, or use some free bed, or himself to re hire the server specifically placed pictures, but also some Adsense is the picture and put it on like Sina Weibo that maybe when did not provide the site outside the chain of. Actually pictures regardless of where to place, just in order to reduce costs, accelerate the image loading speed, as indeed it is, after all, some host he space is small, flow is small, but you have not thought about, if you put the pictures of the server, all of a sudden there is one day does not have access to the, or if Sina Weibo is no longer available outside the chain, how you will be irregular links and file name of the image secure downloaded to the local? Is it a copy of a copy? Or to find some pay software? Don t be afraid today, with this program, the images can be easily saved to the local (2016-03-20, PHP, 14KB, 下载1次)
