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ZC基序列生成方法: 设置好q和N_zc的值,然后拖着A7,B7,C7下拉,则会自动填充序列的值注意直到拖动m的值等于N_zc-1,则整个长为N_zc的序列则生成了,然后就可以设置Shift的循环移位长度,点击do Shift按钮,即可从相关图中看基序列和循环移位后的序列的相关性,shift设置的值大时,互相关越小,说明只要循环移位设置的合理,基序列和循环移位序列是正交性很好的
ZC based sequence generation method (2017-12-23, TEXT, 42KB, 下载7次)


[VHDL/FPGA/Verilog] A

此为用verilog hdl编写的FPGAproject 其中A5+工程为带vga显示 分辨率600*800@60HZ 带字母显示(直接将ASCII码输入到寄存器中 窗口大小可调整);A1工程为软核处理器 可配合使用 实测功能强大
This is written in Verilog HDL FPGAproject the A5+ engineering with VGA display resolution 600*800@60HZ with letters display directly to the ASCII code input to the registers window size can be adjusted) A1 engineering for soft core processor can be with the use of powerful features measured (2016-04-09, TEXT, 11733KB, 下载10次)


[DSP编程] a1

Properties of Fourier transform.
Properties of Fourier transform. (2015-02-10, TEXT, 10035KB, 下载4次)


[单片机开发] BS58ACCORD-A1.7

STMicroelectronics STM8 MCU CAN bus routines (2012-02-13, TEXT, 17KB, 下载63次)


[汇编语言] word_first

这个程序是97年Mekka ’97 4K Intro比赛的一等奖作品,汇编语言所写。整个程序全长4095字节, 生成.com程序只有4K,可是却实现了3D动画的效果,还有一段背景音乐!画面是游戏天旋地转的一个场景!
This program is 97 years Mekka 97 4 K Intro game first award works, assembly language writing. The whole program (4095 bytes, generation. Com program only 4 K, but realized the 3 D animation effects, and a background music!!!!! Picture of the game is very dizzy a scene! (2011-10-28, TEXT, 7KB, 下载4次)


[通讯编程文档] e5

exp-5: To observe the BER performance of a SIMO system with two receive antennas and MRC in spatially independent Rayleigh fading channels.
exp-5: To observe the BER performance of a SIMO system with two receive antennas and MRC in spatially independent Rayleigh fading channels. (2010-08-18, TEXT, 1KB, 下载13次)
