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[Windows编程] Multi_Channels_jiazhanyong5

专家点评:! _* [. k0 {5 \8 ~2 a1 D$ ]( N7 W% y a.对于一个项目来说,界面设计有待加强。整个前后面板的配色应该更简单一些。程序框图的布局很合理,并适当加入了说明性文字,非常好。 9 f. e. Q7 T) Z9 D$ c& w8 db.程序结构很明了,这个对于只学了3个月的LabVIEW的初学者来说很不容易,值得鼓励。4 V# G2 ^0 k0 N, Z c.基本实现规定的功能,能熟练使用LabSQL,前面板上放置的图标挺可爱的。程序构架还需要加油,变量名还需要做到“顾名思义”。加油 / K+ ~ G+ i: v* B( s: Ld.程序设计简单清晰,部分功能设计合理,简洁明了,学习时间不长,却能很好完成多通道采集程序,实在难得,其中有一些小问题没解决,子VI设计合理和GUI方面考虑多一些就更好了
err (2008-12-21, LabView, 1099KB, 下载36次)


[单片机开发] virtual_logic_analyzer

虚拟逻辑分析仪 版本:LabVIEW 8.0
Description: The Virtual Logic Analyzer is a development tool for monitoring VI execution. It is especially useful for optimizing the performance of multi-threaded, parallel applications. Monitoring Data and Timing information over an entire application can provide unexpected insight into performance bottlenecks. The VLA Probes use the OOP model Stepan Riha of NI introduced at NIWeek 97 and the Virtual Logic Analyzer concept is based on the presentation "Monitoring the Control and Timing of VIs" by Dana Redington at NIWeek95. There are two parts to the Virtual Logic Analyzer: Probes, and the GUI interface. Probes are meant to be as efficient as possible, but do not place them in a MHz type loop. Instead place them in strategic locations where you can monitor program flow. Each VLA Probe is a reentrant vi that monitors your program s execution by timestamping data during program execution. Simply place this vi on your block diagram and connect the required Tag and Data inputs. Reme (2011-08-17, LabView, 434KB, 下载22次)


[文件操作] 示波器波形分析

首先读取csv文件(来自示波器或其他来源),csv是字符格式的文本文件。然后,对采样波形进行谐波分析,将输入信号分解成:A0直流分量,A1基频分量,A22次谐波,A33次谐波……N噪声。采用的是加hanning窗的FFT算法。最后,求取 总谐波失真率THD(%)
First read the CSV file, and CSV is a character format text file. Then, the input signal is decomposed into A0 DC component, A1 fundamental frequency component, A22 harmonic, A33 harmonic. N noise. The FFT algorithm with Hanning window is adopted. Finally, the total harmonic loss rate THD (%) is obtained. (2018-09-29, LabView, 77KB, 下载20次)


[其他] TDMS_A1

Data acquisition configuration (TDMS_A1), in the LABVIEW data acquisition time in an example (2010-08-27, LabView, 13KB, 下载9次)


[文章/文档] developingenginetestsoftwareinlabview

Turley, P. Wright, M. AUTOTESTCON 97. 1997 IEEE Autotestcon Proceedings 22-25 Sept. 1997 Page(s):575 - 579 Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/AUTEST.1997.633678
Developing engine test software in LabVIEW (2009-08-18, LabView, 424KB, 下载4次)


[LabView编程] E6.3

Build vi displayed per second random number between 0 and 1. Meanwhile, calculates and displays the average of the last four random numbers generated. After only 4 numbers show the average, otherwise 0. Each random number is greater than 0.5, use beep.vi generate buzzer (2012-11-08, LabView, 18KB, 下载4次)


[LabView编程] I2C_A0_Radom_Delay_Reading

Ardvark I2C random reading
Ardvark I2C random reading (2013-10-21, LabView, 185KB, 下载2次)


[图形图象] quxiannihe

曲线拟合的目的是找出一系列的参数a0,a1,....,通过这些参数最好地模拟实验结果。 *线性拟合-把实验数据拟合为一条直线y[i]=a0+a1*X[i] *指数拟合-把数据拟合为指数曲线y[i]=a0*exp(a1*X[i]) *广义多项式拟合-就是多项式拟合,即把数据拟合为多项式函数: y[i]=a0+a1*X[1]+a2*X[i]^2... 可以选择不同的算法,以获得更好的精度和准确性。 *广义线性拟合-公式为y[i]=a0+a1*f1(X[i])+a2*f2(X[i])...,这里y[i]是参数a0,a1,a2...等的线性组合。广义线性拟合也可以选择不同的算法来提高精度和准确度。例如:y=a0+a1*sin(X)是一个线性拟合。因为y与参数a0,a1有着线性关系,同样道理,多项式拟合也总是属于线性拟合,但是它可以采用一些特殊算法以提高拟合处理的速度和精度。 实验要求 根据给定的实验数据,采用建立数组的方法,使用线性拟合.vi或广义多项式拟合.vi将实验数据拟合成直线或曲线,并分页显示拟合曲线及拟合曲线系数。
curve fitting The purpose of curve fitting is to find out a series of parameters a0, a1,... Through which the experimental results can be best simulated. (2019-06-04, LabView, 19KB, 下载2次)


[其他] %E7%99%BB%E9%99%86%E7%A8%8B%E5%BA%8F

A good password login program, remember to add data sources. (2018-03-19, LabView, 199KB, 下载1次)


[图形图像处理] ROI%E6%8F%90%E5%8F%96

Image preservation processing, ROI point extraction for complex images (2018-07-27, LabView, 30KB, 下载0次)
