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按分类查找绘图程序(1) CAD(1) 
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[绘图程序] Crankshaftcad

According to a section of the existing engine crankshaft kind cad drawn graphics, including the necessary details on the size of the crankshaft and the mark, the corresponding A1 drawing frame also comes in there, upload them for those who need it to learn. (2014-11-13, MathCAD, 133KB, 下载4次)


[CAD] JDL-2388RGB-8-32X16-REV-A0-HUB75

JDL-1988RGB-16*16-HUB41制版说明: 1.FR-4,TOP层绿油白字,BOT层绿油白字,喷锡。 2.所有的过孔必须阻焊处理。 3.参数:最小间距: 0.254mm 最小孔径: 0.5mm 最小线径: 0.3mm 板 层: 双面板 板 厚: 1.6mm 尺 寸: 95.5mm*95.5mm(上下各3mm工艺边) 4:打样8块 5:填单日期:2010-12-30, 6:送货送货间:2010-1-5
GPS vehicle monitoring system (2013-10-26, MathCAD, 84KB, 下载22次)
