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[文件操作] 14679036

这是一款不错的Mdb文件破密程序,可以对97,2000,xp和2003等版本进行破密 (2017-11-05, Visual Basic, 12KB, 下载1次)


[文件操作] pattgrn__interpreter

这是一款不错的Mdb文件破密程序,可以对97,2000,xp和2003等版本进行破密 (2017-09-27, Visual Basic, 12KB, 下载1次)


[文件操作] Create_Excel_Workbook(BIFF8)

This is a class written in Visual Basic 6 SP6 that will create an Excel Spreadsheet (BIFF8) from scratch. It s was developed after repeated requests from users to be able to export reports from database applications to an excel spreadsheet. this class will produce a workbook from VB without having Excel installed on the client computer and can be viewed using the free Microsoft Excel 97 Viewer
This is a class written in Visual Basic 6 SP6 that will create an Excel Spreadsheet (BIFF8) from scratch. It' s was developed after repeated requests from users to be able to export reports from database applications to an excel spreadsheet. This class will produce a workbook from VB without having Excel installed on the client computer and can be viewed using the free Microsoft Excel 97 Viewer (2009-04-10, Visual Basic, 349KB, 下载38次)


[文件操作] vb-word

vb操作word详解 Visual Basic支持一个对象集合,该集合中的对象直接对应于Microsoft Word 97中的元素,并且通过用户界面,用户熟悉这些元素中的绝大多数。例如,Document 对象代表了一个打开的文档,Bookmark对象代表了一个文档中的书签,而Selection对象则代表了在一个文档窗口窗格中的选定内容。在Word中,每一类元素-文档、表格、段落、书签、域等等-都可以用Visual Basic的对象来表示。要在Word中自动执行任务,可以使用这些对象的方法和属性。
vb operating word explain Visual Basic support an object collection, the collection of objects directly correspond to the Microsoft Word 97 elements, and through the user interface, users familiar with the vast majority of these elements. For example, Document object represents a document open, Bookmark object represents a document bookmarks, and the Selection object represents the document in a window pane of the selected content. In Word, each type of element- documents, tables, paragraphs, bookmarks, domain and so on- can use Visual Basic to express the object. To automate tasks in Word, you can use these objects methods and properties. (2008-04-02, Visual Basic, 35KB, 下载587次)
