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[其他嵌入式/单片机内容] A0.0.0(STM32F10x_TIM输出PWM波形)

stm32输出一路PWM,stm32f104vet6 占空比可调
STM32 output PWM, stm32f104vet6 duty cycle adjustable (2018-05-22, C/C++, 1941KB, 下载2次)


[其他嵌入式/单片机内容] UART_of_MSP430F249

Echo a received character, RX ISR used. Normal mode is LPM0. USCI_A0 RX interrupt triggers TX Echo. Baud rate divider with 1MHz = 1MHz/19200 = ~52.1 ACLK = n/a, MCLK = SMCLK = CALxxx_1MHZ = 1MHz
Echo a received character, RX ISR used. Normal mode is LPM0. USCI_A0 RX interrupt triggers TX Echo. Baud rate divider with 1MHz = 1MHz/19200 = ~52.1 ACLK = n/a, MCLK = SMCLK = CALxxx_1MHZ = 1MHz (2017-06-01, C/C++, 1KB, 下载1次)


[其他嵌入式/单片机内容] AudioCodec_STM32F4

Driver for Audio Codec Audio AC 97 CS4205, Cirrus, with STM32F4
Driver for Audio Codec Audio AC 97 CS4205, Cirrus, with STM32F4 (2012-11-14, C/C++, 6KB, 下载12次)


[其他嵌入式/单片机内容] LCD-c115-motorolla

LCD of motorolla C115-C117 (m3188) C115 LCD Module Lcd chip: ST7558 - Wintek Lcd Resolution: 94x64 Technology: FSTN I2C write address: 0x78 PIN CONNECT ============================ Pin1 Vdd +2.8V (2,8V) Pin2 Res (NC) Pin3 Sclk (SCL_I2C) Pin4 Sda (SDA_I2C) Pin5 A0 (GND) Pin6 Gnd (GND) Pin7 Vlcd +12V (--||--* GND)C104P Pin8 Reset (RESET)
LCD of motorolla C115-C117 (m3188) C115 LCD Module Lcd chip: ST7558 - Wintek Lcd Resolution: 94x64 Technology: FSTN I2C write address: 0x78 PIN CONNECT ============================ Pin1 Vdd +2.8V (2,8V) Pin2 Res (NC) Pin3 Sclk (SCL_I2C) Pin4 Sda (SDA_I2C) Pin5 A0 (GND) Pin6 Gnd (GND) Pin7 Vlcd +12V (--||--* GND)C104P Pin8 Reset (RESET) (2011-02-10, C/C++, 2KB, 下载7次)


[其他嵌入式/单片机内容] MSP430F552x_uscia0_spi_09

TI msp430f5529,向SPI口(master)写数据
USCI_A0, SPI 3-Wire Master Incremented Data, TI msp430f5529 (2010-07-31, C/C++, 2KB, 下载55次)


[其他嵌入式/单片机内容] DLT645-97-07Analysis

Able to complete the DLT645-1997 and DLT645-2007 Statute of the adaptive analysis, and gives analytical results, the code for the standard 645 meter of the meter reading module. (2010-03-07, C/C++, 1KB, 下载533次)


[其他嵌入式/单片机内容] Audio_Codec_Talkthrough_-_I2S_(C)

Audio Codec Talkthrough - I2S (C) implementaded for ADSP-BF533
Audio Codec Talkthrough- I2S (C) implementaded for ADSP-BF533 (2009-12-04, C/C++, 13KB, 下载12次)


[其他嵌入式/单片机内容] 8254-373

应用373进行地址锁存的操作8254的源代码,详细情况可向作者联系 连线: A0---Q0 A1---Q1 A2---CS
373 applications for the operation address latch 8254 source code, the details of which can be linked to the authors link : A0 A1 Q0--------- CS Q1 A2 (2006-06-17, C/C++, 1KB, 下载41次)
