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[matlab编程] a1

It s helpful must try it
It s helpful must try it (2017-04-11, Java, 133KB, 下载2次)


[matlab编程] A1Jedi.java

This program counts the occurrence of specified patterns in the input strands and produces a report for each pattern. The first input to this program will be an integer indicating how many patterns will be provided (call this N). The next N words to this program will be patterns of nucleobases to search for. Following the patterns will be a sequence of strands terminated by the word "end" as before.
This program counts the occurrence of specified patterns in the input strands and produces a report for each pattern. The first input to this program will be an integer indicating how many patterns will be provided (call this N). The next N words to this program will be patterns of nucleobases to search for. Following the patterns will be a sequence of strands terminated by the word "end" as before. (2014-01-25, Java, 1KB, 下载3次)
