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[人工智能/神经网络/深度学习] A1

非数值并行算法:遗传算法 本书系统的叙述了非数值并行算法之一的遗传算法的基本原理及最新进展,同时为了便于读者解决实际问题,书中对具体算法步骤做了详细介绍
Non-numerical parallel algorithms: genetic algorithms book describes the system of non-numerical parallel algorithms basic principles of genetic algorithms and the latest progress, and in order to facilitate the reader to solve practical problems, the book made for the specific algorithm steps described in detail (2013-09-05, PDF, 4008KB, 下载3次)


[人工智能/神经网络/深度学习] A1

Reactive power compensation method based on genetic algorithms and low voltage distribution system implementation (2013-03-15, PDF, 115KB, 下载7次)


[人工智能/神经网络/深度学习] WCECS2008pp207209

This paper proposed a new method for recognizing machine printed Arabic characters. First, four edges (left, upper, lower, and right edge) are extracted from the character image. Next, some features are extracted from the edges. Finally, a BPNN, isolated forms of Arabic characters are recognized. The new method is tested on two fonts and 9 sizes, and its recognition rate is over 97
This paper proposed a new method for recognizing machine printed Arabic characters. First, four edges (left, upper, lower, and right edge) are extracted from the character image. Next, some features are extracted from the edges. Finally, a BPNN, isolated forms of Arabic characters are recognized. The new method is tested on two fonts and 9 sizes, and its recognition rate is over 97 (2010-08-26, PDF, 264KB, 下载5次)
