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[其他书籍] changetext

用于uibot将数字转换为文字格式(数字前加‘),存入excel 1、将文件拷贝到C:\Program Files (x86)\UiBotCreator\extend\python\下。 2、在uibot的源代码中加入 import changetext dim sText = "" sText = “001”//要转文本格式的数据 sText = changetext.totxt(sText) objExcelWorkBook = Excel.WorkBookOpen(@res"文件名.xlsx","","")//打开与源代码存储在同一个目录下的res目录中的excel文件 sText = changetext.totxt(sText) Excel.CellSetText(objExcelWorkBook,1,1,1,sText)//写入到第一个工作簿的a1单元格 Excel.WorkBookSave(objExcelWorkBook,"")//关闭excel
Used for uibot to convert digits to text format (add''before digits) and store them in Excel 1. Copy the file to C: Program Files (x86) UiBotCreator extend python. 2. Add in source code Import changetext Dim sText = "" SText = 001 // / Data to be converted to text format SText = changetext. totxt (sText) ObjExcelWorkBook = Excel. WorkBook Open (@res "File Name. xlsx", "")// Open Excel files stored in the res directory in the same directory as the source code SText = changetext. totxt (sText) Excel. CellSetText (objExcel WorkBook, 1, 1, 1, sText)// Writes to the A1 cell of the first Workbook Excel. WorkBook Save (objExcelWorkBook, ")// Close Excel (2019-03-13, Python, 10KB, 下载1次)
