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按分类查找All 驱动编程(9) 

[驱动编程] ipi_trace

a1 Interrupt received channel driver.
a1 Interrupt received channel driver. (2015-11-29, Unix_Linux, 2KB, 下载1次)


[驱动编程] platform-gpio_keys

Driver for AMD Au1000 MIPS Processor, AC 97 Sound Port.
Driver for AMD Au1000 MIPS Processor, AC 97 Sound Port. (2015-04-04, Unix_Linux, 6KB, 下载1次)


[驱动编程] avma1_cs

PCMCIA client driver for AVM A1 Fritz!PCMCIA.
PCMCIA client driver for AVM A1 Fritz!PCMCIA. (2015-04-02, Unix_Linux, 2KB, 下载1次)


[驱动编程] m3501_a

3501 driver for ali chip
3501 driver for ali chip (2011-09-07, Visual C++, 41KB, 下载40次)


[驱动编程] WAVEDEV

Windows CE 5.0 driver for audio codec 97
Windows CE 5.0 driver for audio codec 97 (2009-07-10, Others, 60KB, 下载6次)


[驱动编程] 3c990-1.0.0a

3Com (R) Corporation EtherCD (R) for the 3Com 100 Secure Fiber NIC (990 Family)Driver for Linux Supported NICs ============== The 3C990 NIC driver for Linux also supports the following NICs: - 3Com 10/100 PCI NIC w/3XP (3CR990-TX-95) This NIC has PCI device ID of 9902 (in hexadecimal) - 3Com 10/100 PCI NIC w/3XP (3CR990-TX-97) This NIC has PCI device ID of 9903 (in hexadecimal) - 3Com 10/100 PCI Server NIC w/3XP (3CR990SVR95) This NIC has PCI device ID of 9908 (in hexadecimal) - 3Com 10/100 PCI Server NIC w/3XP (3CR990SVR97) This NIC has PCI device ID of 9909 (in hexadecimal)
3Com (R) Corporation EtherCD (R) for the 3Com 100 Secure Fiber NIC (990 Family)Driver for Linux Supported NICs ============== The 3C990 NIC driver for Linux also supports the following NICs: - 3Com 10/100 PCI NIC w/3XP (3CR990-TX-95) This NIC has PCI device ID of 9902 (in hexadecimal) - 3Com 10/100 PCI NIC w/3XP (3CR990-TX-97) This NIC has PCI device ID of 9903 (in hexadecimal) - 3Com 10/100 PCI Server NIC w/3XP (3CR990SVR95) This NIC has PCI device ID of 9908 (in hexadecimal) - 3Com 10/100 PCI Server NIC w/3XP (3CR990SVR97) This NIC has PCI device ID of 9909 (in hexadecimal) (2009-07-01, Unix_Linux, 80KB, 下载1次)


[驱动编程] zongxian

总线编程 AT24C系列E2PROM芯片地址的固定部分为1010,A2、A1、A0引脚接高、低电平后得到确定的3位编码。
Bus Programming AT24C Series E2PROM chip address for the fixed part of 1010, A2, A1, A0 then pin high, low-level to be determined after the three coding. (2009-04-10, C/C++, 1KB, 下载14次)


[驱动编程] 01-24c16驱动程序

//24c01-24c16读写驱动程序, sbit a0=ACC^0 //定义ACC的位,利用ACC操作速度最快 sbit a1=ACC^1 sbit a2=ACC^2 sbit a3=ACC^3 sbit a4=ACC^4 sbit a5=ACC^5 sbit a6=ACC^6 sbit a7=ACC^7
//24c01- 24c16 literacy drivers, ACC sbit a0 = ^ 0// ACC definition of the position, using the speed of the fastest ACC sbit ACC a1 = ^ 1 = a2 sbit ACC sbit a3 ^ 2 ^ 3 = ACC sbit a4 = ^ ACC a5 = 4 sbit ACC sbit a6 ^ 5 ^ 6 = ACC sbit a7 ACC = ^ 7 (2005-07-04, C++, 1KB, 下载13次)


[驱动编程] 24c01-24c16驱动程序

//24c01-24c16读写驱动程序, sbit a0=ACC^0 //定义ACC的位,利用ACC操作速度最快 sbit a1=ACC^1 sbit a2=ACC^2 sbit a3=ACC^3 sbit a4=ACC^4 sbit a5=ACC^5 sbit a6=ACC^6 sbit a7=ACC^7
//24c01- 24c16 literacy drivers, ACC sbit a0 = ^ 0// ACC definition of the position, using the speed of the fastest ACC sbit ACC a1 = ^ 1 = a2 sbit ACC sbit a3 ^ 2 ^ 3 = ACC sbit a4 = ^ ACC a5 = 4 sbit ACC sbit a6 ^ 5 ^ 6 = ACC sbit a7 ACC = ^ 7 (2005-07-04, C++ Builder, 1KB, 下载24次)
