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[智慧办公] E5

这是一个基于Git Actions的Python应用程序,通过Microsoft Graph API生成开发操作,就像一个真正的开发人员...,
This is a Python application based from Git Actions to produce development actions through Microsoft Graph API like a genuine developer in order to activate Microsoft Office 365 E5 Developer Trail membership auto renewal. (2023-09-27, Python, 0KB, 下载0次)


[智慧办公] MS-E5-Dev-Auto-Renew

这是一个基于Git Actions的Python应用程序,通过Microsoft Graph API生成开发操作,就像一个真正的开发人员...,
This is a Python application based from Git Actions to produce development actions through Microsoft Graph API like a genuine developer in order to activate Microsoft Office 365 E5 Developer Trail membership auto renewal. (2023-09-27, Python, 0KB, 下载0次)


[智慧办公] MSO_E5_Dev_AutoRenew_Modified

这是一个基于Git Actions的python程序,已修改为自动续订Microsoft Office 365 E5 Developer Trail。,
This is a python program based on Git Actions modified to automatically renew Microsoft Office 365 E5 Developer Trail., (2023-05-01, Python, 0KB, 下载0次)


[智慧办公] xlwt

库,用于在任何平台上创建与MS Excel 97 2000 XP 2003 XLS文件兼容的电子表格文件。
Library to create spreadsheet files compatible with MS Excel 97 2000 XP 2003 XLS files, on any platform. (2020-02-21, Python, 171KB, 下载0次)
