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[编译器/解释器] bf

brainfuck language interpreter, we can say is the most feature a simple interpreter. Modify the bug, deleted invalid code. Interpreter automatically extended memory, there is no code and data length limitations. (2012-04-26, C/C++, 2KB, 下载9次)


[编译器/解释器] cortex_a9-DOC

ARM CORTEX A9 开发手册打包下载 部分为中文手册,包含《NEON 向量化编译器指南》《编译器用户指南》《编译器参考指南》《汇编程序指南》
ARM CORTEX A9 development manual packaged download, part of it are Chinese manual (2012-02-07, C/C++, 24814KB, 下载567次)


[编译器/解释器] fanhuibian

用C写的反汇编程序: 举例: Input the instructions ended with @: LW $T1, 0($A0) ADD $T0, $ZERO, $ZERO R0: ADDi $T0, $ZREO, 1 SLT $T2, $T0, $A1 BEQ $T2, $ZERO, RR ADD $T2, $T0, $A0 LW $T2, 0($T2) ADD $T1, $T1, $T2 J R0 RR: ADD $V0, $T1, $ZERO JR $RA @ 00000000: 8c890000 00000004: 00004020 00000008: 20080001 0000000c: 0105502a 00000010: 11400004 00000014: 01045020 00000018: 8d4a0000 0000001c: 012a4820 00000020: 08000002 00000024: 01201020 00000028: 03e00008 Press any key to continue
disassembling program with C (2011-04-24, C/C++, 227KB, 下载6次)


[编译器/解释器] brainfck

brainf×ck的一种解释器。Brainf*ck,是一种极小化的计算机语言,它是由Urban Müller在1993年创建的。由于fuck在英语中是脏话,这种语言有时被称为brainf*ck或brainf***,甚至被简称为BF。
brainf × ck an interpreter. Brainf* ck, is a minimization of the computer language, it is by Urban Müller in 1993 created. As the fuck is the bad language in English, this language is sometimes referred to as brainf* ck or brainf***, has even been referred to as BF. (2008-05-12, C/C++, 1KB, 下载2次)
