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[数据库编程] binary-search

给定一组含有n个整数的有序数列A={a1,a2,...,an},接下来有k个数{b1,b2,...,bk},查询每个 bi是否在之前给定的数列A中出现,出现输出y,否则输出n。
Given n integers+ k integers, search if each of the k integers exist in the n integers, if it does, output y , if not output n (2015-09-22, Visual C++, 1KB, 下载1次)


[数据库编程] DAO-VCPP

用DAO方式访问Access 97。1. 从使用经验上讲,Dao方式访问数据库最好用Access 97。否则容易有很多小错误发生。2. 以下为,用Access 97地说明:编译好程序,Demo03.mdb复制到当前目录。如果没有安装Access数据库,请注册 DA0350.dll 和 MSjet.dll再运行程序。3. 目录下两个数据库,请斟酌。如果用97,需要把文章中的Access97全部替换。
Access to Access 97 in DAO mode. 1. Tell from the experience, the Dao is best way to Access database Access 97. Otherwise easy to have a lot of small errors. 2. The following is, with Access to 97: good compilation procedures, Demo03. MDB is copied to the current directory. If there is no Access database installation, please register DA0350. DLL and MSjet. DLL to run the program again. 3. The two database directory, please consider. If use 97, need to Access97 all replacement in the article. (2014-01-04, Visual C++, 276KB, 下载5次)


[数据库编程] ExcelExportv3.8

导出数据库记录到EXCEL,支持Excel 97, 2000, XP, 2003 and 2007
This TscExcelExport component is an advanced, powerful but easy to use component which enables you to export all records of a dataset from Borland/Codegear Delphi to Microsoft Excel. Many features are provided to change the layout, use conditional formatting, to add totals, to create groups, to set a filter, ... The component works in Delphi 5, 6, 7, 2006, 2007 & 2009 and it supports Excel 97, 2000, XP, 2003 and 2007. (2012-04-13, Delphi, 1123KB, 下载22次)


[数据库编程] 200710151588306

本代码只适合初学者参考,高手就不要看了,不入法眼啊。 软件采用的是DAO 3.51数据库引擎,数据库格式是MDB 97格式的,比较落后。代码的应用意义大于其自身的技术意义。
This code is only for reference for beginners, masters, do not read and write it into discernment ah. Software uses a DAO 3.51 database engine, database format is MDB 97 format, backward. The application code meaning greater than their own in the technical sense. (2010-07-11, Visual Basic, 480KB, 下载3次)


[数据库编程] 200712269242108

软件跟本人前期发布的一个域名空间到期提醒管理的那个程序一样,采用的是DAO 3.51数据库引擎,数据库格式是MDB 97格式的,比较落后。代码的显示工作中的应用意义大于其自身的技术参考意义。
I pre-release software with a domain name space due to remind management that the same procedure, using the DAO 3.51 database engine, database format is the MDB 97 format, backward. Code shows the work of major significance in the application of the technology in its own reference value. (2010-07-11, Visual Basic, 570KB, 下载8次)


[数据库编程] 11

c++网络数据库实例 第十一章 实例 91-OLEVIEWER 实例 92-访问 EXCEL文件 实例 93-在数据库中读写图 实例 94-查询分析器 实例 95-DAO读写 ACCESS文件 实例 96-创建 XML文件 实例 97-浏览数据库 实例 98-BLOBS 实例 99-ORACLE数据库 实例 100-读写 DBF文件
c++ network database instance Chapter XI Instance 91-OLEVIEWER Instances of 92- to access EXCEL file Instances of 93- map reading and writing in the database Instances of 94- Query Analyzer ACCESS read-write instance documents 95-DAO Instances of 96- Creating XML file Instances of 97- View Database Examples of 98-BLOBS 99-ORACLE database instance Examples 100- read and write DBF files (2010-04-10, Visual C++, 1623KB, 下载24次)


[数据库编程] ADOExample

this is the promised ADO example program. It s exactly the same as the example I did for the Data Control and the FlexGrid, but with a few added bells and whistles. Also, it works right away with an Access 97 or 2000 database, which makes things much more convenient
this is the promised ADO example program. It s exactly the same as the example I did for the Data Control and the FlexGrid, but with a few added bells and whistles. Also, it works right away with an Access 97 or 2000 database, which makes things much more convenient (2010-01-05, Visual Basic, 12KB, 下载10次)


[数据库编程] GroupDatabase

关于vb 和 数据库 软件采用的是DAO 3.51数据库引擎,数据库格式是MDB 97格式的,
About vb and database software is used by DAO 3.51 database engine, database format is the format of the MDB 97, (2008-01-21, Visual Basic, 472KB, 下载5次)


[数据库编程] mdb-cz

一套比较完整的用Visual Basic 操作 Access 97 数据库的源代码
relatively complete the operation with Visual Basic Access 97 database source code (2006-03-24, Visual Basic, 62KB, 下载13次)


[数据库编程] Database_Explorer

(转载)This application allows you to open Access databases, view their tables and fields and run queries in its own SQL window. It is a good demonstration of ADO and ADOX for beginners. The application works with both Access 97 and Access 2000 databases. 这个应用程序允许你打开Access数据库,预览它们的表和字段,并在它自己的SQL窗口中执行查询。对于初学者来说它是一个非常好的ADO和ADOX演示程序。这个应用程序能和Access 97以及Access 2000数据库一块运行。 来源: http://www.freevbcode.com/ShowCode.Asp?ID=2163
(Reprint) This application allows you to open Access databases, view their tables and fields and run queries in its own SQL window. It is a good demonstration of ADO and ADOX for beginners. The application works with both Access 97 and Access 2,000 databases. this application procedure allows you to open the Access database, looks at their table and the field in advance, and carries out the inquiry in it SQL window. As for the beginner it is extremely good ADO and the ADOX demonstration program. This application procedure can 97 as well as the Access 2,000 databases moves together with Access. Origin: Http://www.freevbcode.com/ShowCode.Asp? ID=2163 (2004-07-07, Visual Basic, 41KB, 下载18次)
