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[流媒体/Mpeg4/MP4] EasyPusher_RTSP_Android

这是一套在android上实现在拉取rtsp流再以rtsp转推给rtsp流媒体服务器的app。基于了EasyDarwin团队的EasyRTSPClient和EasyPusher实现。地址分别为[https: github.com Ea...](https: github.com EasyDSS EasyRTSPClient%E5%92%8Chttps: github.com EasyDarwin EasyPusher)
This is a set of apps that can pull the rtsp stream on Android and then push it to the rtsp streaming media server. It is based on the implementation of EasyRTSPClient and EasyPusher of the EasyDarwin team. The addresses are [https: github. com Ea...] (https: github. com EasyDSS EasyRTSPClient% E5% 92% 8Chttps: github. com EasyDarwin EasyPusher) (2018-01-30, Java, 1730KB, 下载0次)


[流媒体/Mpeg4/MP4] android-rtsp-client-hw-decoder-demo

1、Android 上的RTSP 2、硬件解码 3、基于[https: github.com htwahzs Rtsp-Android- Client.git修改,不过rtsp-android-client有些bug](https: github.com htwahzs Rtsp- Android-Client.git%E4%BF%AE%E6%94%B9%EF%BC%8C%E4%B8%8D%E8%BF%87rtsp-android- client%E6%9C%89%E4%BA%9Bbug) 4、小米note上...
1. RTSP on Android 2. Hardware decoding 3. Modified based on [https: github.com htwahzs Rtsp Android - Client.git, but rtsp android client has some bugs] (https: github.com htwahzs Rtsp Android Client. git% E4% BF% AE% E6% 94% B9% EF% BC% 8C% E4% B8% 8D% E8% BF% 87rtsp android client% E6% 9C% 89% E4% BA% 9Bbug) 4. On Xiaomi note (2016-02-26, Java, 9280KB, 下载0次)
