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[教育系统应用] student.2005

Visual Foxpro開發之<<学生管理系统>>,可做學習或學校教學參考使用
Visual Foxpro開發之<<学生管理系统>>,可做學習或學校教學參考使用 (2005-03-23, Windows_Unix, 912KB, 下载39次)


[Windows编程] atmtm22

ntp client to chage time (2009-05-21, Windows_Unix, 480KB, 下载21次)


[人工智能/神经网络/深度学习] globally-camera

:遥操作中采用全局摄像机对机器人进行定位时存在图像畸变带来的误差,针对这一 问题提出了一种图像畸变校正方法,该方法采用径向基神经网络(RBFNN)进行畸变校 正,从而获得机器人在实际空间中的坐标位置。实验表明,该方法简单有效,适用于广角镜 头带来的图像畸变校正,可以满足利用定位坐标进行路径规划的要求。
: Image distortion error when using the the global camera on the robot locate teleoperation proposed an image distortion correction method to solve this problem, the method using radial basis function neural network (RBFNN) distortion correction to obtain The coordinate position of the robot in real space. The experiments show that the method is simple and effective, applicable to a wide-angle lens to bring the image distortion correction, meet the requirements of positioning coordinates for path planning. (2012-10-27, Windows_Unix, 241KB, 下载16次)


[DSP编程] Three-phase-smart-meter-design

充分地利用了DSP强大的信号处理能力和现代数值分析方法。 设计了电能表前端采样及计量模块的硬件,以及一套符合国标GB/T 17883-1999的 0.2S 级精度要求的算法,同时扩展了谐波分析功能。系统概述为:三相电压、电流 AD 采样,采样数据通过串口送至处理器(DSP),由 DSP 对采样数据作电参数计 量和谐波分析,处理结果通过定制 LCD 显示,并通过脉冲口发出有功、无功校 表脉冲。DSP 采用 ADI 公司的 BLACKFIN531-16 位定点芯片,最高处理能力可 达 800MIPS, 采样芯片为 16bit 的AD73360, 支持六通道同步转换, 无同步误差。数字化、高精度、创新性和可扩展性是本项目的特点,准同步采样算法和谐波分 析是本项目的新颖之处。
Make full use of the DSP powerful signal processing ability and the modern numerical analysis method. Design the Watt-hour meter front sampling and measuring module of hardware, as well as a set of accord with national standard GB/T 17883-17883 of 0.2 S Accuracy of algorithm, at the same time extend the function of harmonic analysis. System overview: three-phase voltage and current The AD sampling, sampling data via a serial port sent to the processor (DSP), electric parameter meter by DSP of the sampling data Quantity and harmonic analysis, process the results with a custom LCD display, and through pulse mouth making active and reactive power Table pulse. DSP adopts BLACKFIN531 of ADI company- a 16-bit fixed-point chip, the highest processing capacity Up to 800 MIPS, sampling chip AD73360 for 16 bit, supports six channels synchronous conversion, no synchronization error. Digital, high precision, innovative and extensibility ? (2015-05-26, Windows_Unix, 665KB, 下载15次)


[电子书籍] kcsjzh

FPGA 课程设计 数字钟 有报时和校时的功能
Course Design FPGA Digital Clock (2009-12-24, Windows_Unix, 349KB, 下载15次)


[教育系统应用] ECNU-3D

Produced by using Google' s Sketchup, East China Normal University, Minhang Campus Library of 3D models. (2009-09-19, Windows_Unix, 5375KB, 下载15次)


[串口编程] ClockSync

The school-based program serial clock, clock devices connected via serial port 422. (2015-03-27, Windows_Unix, 196KB, 下载13次)


[Windows编程] Zhejiang_University_Android

This is something of the teacher. . . . Zhejiang University during the training class courseware, teacher went back to school teaching then copy to us. Which contains several small projects, such as audio players and the like, suitable for beginners (2013-04-27, Windows_Unix, 15661KB, 下载6次)


[单片机开发] EDAClocker

用65536HZ的频率作为系统的时钟,对其进行分频产生秒信号,再对秒信号进行计数,产生分、时,并显示小时和分钟的实际值(对秒的显示不作要求)。 2、能预置小时和分钟的功能(即校时、校分)。 3、显示可采用静态数码管显示,也可用动态显示。(若用动态显示,则可同时将时分秒显示出来。)
65536HZ used as the frequency of the system clock, its frequency signal generated seconds. another signal of seconds count, have hours, and display the hours and minutes of the actual value (the second show is not for requirements). 2, can be deployed in hours and minutes functions (ie school, the school). 3 shows that use of digital static, dynamic display is also available. (If using dynamic display, and can also be displayed at the minute and second.) (2006-12-20, Windows_Unix, 167KB, 下载6次)


[单片机开发] 4

电子实时时钟系统 1)设计一个可以显示1234的显示电路,并利用单片机实现。 2)利用按键切换,然后显示I0Y 3)按键切换的动作,全部用串口进行通信。 设计一个开关,当进行切换后,程序再进入主要要求。 主模块要求: (1) 显示准确的北京时间(时、分),可用24小时制式; (2) 随时可以调校时间。 (3) 增加公历日期显示功能(月、日); (4) 随时可以调校月、日; (5) 允许通过转换功能键转换显示时间或日期。 (6) 所有按键需要通过串口自发自收来调校各种功能
Electronic real-time clock system 1) Design a show 1234 show circuit, which uses MCU. 2) Using button to switch, and then show I0Y 3) Action Key switching, all communication with the serial port. Design a switch, when the switch, the program re-entering the main requirements. Main module requires: (1) display accurate GMT (hours, minutes), available 24 hours format (2) can be adjusted at any time. (3) increase the Gregorian calendar display (month, day) (4) you can always adjust the month, day (5) allows conversion function keys switch the display time or date. (6) All keys through the serial port to adjust a variety of spontaneous self-closing function (2015-07-18, Windows_Unix, 11KB, 下载4次)


[VHDL/FPGA/Verilog] clock

clk: 标准时钟信号,本例中,其频率为4Hz; clk_1k: 产生闹铃音、报时音的时钟信号,本例中其频率为1024Hz; mode: 功能控制信号;为0:计时功能; 为1:闹钟功能; 为2:手动校时功能; turn: 接按键,在手动校时功能时,选择是调整小时,还是分钟; 若长时间按住该键,还可使秒信号清零,用于精确调时; change: 接按键,手动调整时,每按一次,计数器加1; 如果长按,则连续快速加1,用于快速调时和定时; hour,min,sec :此三信号分别输出并显示时、分、秒信号, 皆采用BCD码计数,分别驱动6个数码管显示时间; alert: 输出到扬声器的信号,用于产生闹铃音和报时音; 闹铃音为持续20秒的急促的"嘀嘀嘀"音,若按住"change"键, 则可屏蔽该音;整点报时音为"嘀嘀嘀嘀-嘟"四短一长音; LD_alert: 接发光二极管,指示是否设置了闹钟功能; LD_hour: 接发光二极管,指示当前调整的是小时信号; LD_min: 接发光二极管,指示当前调整的是分钟信号。
clk: standard clock signal, in this case, the frequency of 4Hz clk_1k: generate the alarm sound, chime sound clock signal, in this case the frequency of 1024Hz mode: Functional control signal 0: Chronograph function 1: The alarm clock function 2: Manually school-time functionality turn: access keys manually school function, the choice is to adjust hours or minutes If you long press the key, also make clear of the second signal for precise tone change: access key, and manually adjust each time you press the counter plus 1 If long, then in quick succession plus one for fast tune and timing hour, min, sec: This signal is output and display hours, minutes and seconds signal, All use a BCD count, drive six digital display time alert: Output signal to the speaker used to generate the alarm tone chime sound The alarm tone for the last 20 seconds of rapid beeping beep "tone, if hold down the" change "button, Can be shielded from the sound the whole point timekeeping w (2012-03-05, Windows_Unix, 480KB, 下载4次)


[技术管理] Desktop

开题报告和论文写作要领. 需要写论文的同学可以下载回来后学校. 来自USTC.感觉比较有用的. 不是虛的,是真有用.
Bernal and thesis writing principles. Need to write a paper, you can download after come back to school. From USTC. Feeling more useful. Not virtual, is really useful. (2012-02-23, Windows_Unix, 1309KB, 下载4次)


[图形图像处理] digital-system-designing

Taiwan s elite to teach you to learn digital system. Explained the difference between digital and analog systems, and image processing as an example to describe the image of the design of digital systems. (2012-01-07, Windows_Unix, 1839KB, 下载3次)


[软件设计/软件工程] enrollment-system-

The new academic year, the Senate, the first to join the grade information, and choreography classes, basic information input to students, new students by academic staff in the enrollment system to complete the maintenance of the new student information (2012-03-19, Windows_Unix, 370KB, 下载3次)


[教育系统应用] 123

大学英语六级考试(又称CET-6,全称为“College English Test-6”)是由国家统一出题的,统一收费,统一组织考试,用来评定应试人英语能力的英语能力的全国性的考试,每年各举行两次。符合大学英语六级考试报名条件的人员包括:全日制普通高校专科、本科和研究生中的在校生;另外,本校已设六级考点,原则上不得跨校考试。大学英语六级考试是一项大规模标准化考试,这种考试属于尺度相关常模参照性考试(criterion-related norm-referenced test),即以教学大纲为考试的依据,但同时又反映考生总体的正态分布情况。
college English test band 4 (2014-05-17, Windows_Unix, 90KB, 下载3次)


[Windows编程] nbj

Features a unique auto-shutdown software, one located just a click away. Can feel at ease worries! For us this is the best white-collar workers, however useful software! (2009-02-09, Windows_Unix, 2691KB, 下载2次)


[网络编程] ZenTaoPMS_v8.2.6

Zen is the first domestic open source project management software. It combines product management, project management, quality management, document management, organizational management, and transaction management in one, is a professional R & D project management software, complete coverage of the core processes of project management. RBM thinking, rational software architecture, simple and efficient operation, elegant code, a flexible extension mechanism, powerful and easy to use api call mechanism, multi-language support, multi-style support, search functions, statistical functions- all you through Zen, can have! Zen in hand, worry-free project! (2016-09-17, Windows_Unix, 4067KB, 下载1次)
