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[] sast-lottery

南邮校大学生科协 2023 年会抽奖系统 Raffle system for 2023 annual meeting of SAST, NJUPT.,
Raffle system for 2023 annual meeting of SAST, NJUPT, (2023-10-07, Vue, 0KB, 下载0次)


[搜索引擎] smilcool

Smilcool:微校 - 高校资源综合发布系统(新闻、论坛、二手交易、文章、失物寻物、即时通讯、文件管理),
Smilcool: Micro school - university resources comprehensive publishing system (news, forums, second-hand transactions, articles, lost and found objects, instant messaging, file management), (2023-07-10, Vue, 0KB, 下载0次)


[微信小程序] aikaola-wechat

Home school communication platform WeChat terminal (2018-03-02, Vue, 0KB, 下载0次)


[直播] vue_splider

通过vue- cli实现基于Vue2+axios+VueRouter的一个应用,招聘信息(前程无忧 智联招聘 boss直聘 拉勾网)、热点新闻展示、歌曲排行展示播放、热播电影详情查看、微信精选、百度美图、搞笑段子
Realize an application based on Vue2+axios+VueRouter through vue cli, including recruitment information (51job Zhilian recruitment boss directly hired LaGou.com), hot news display, song ranking display, view of hot movie details, WeChat selection, Baidu Meitu, funny jokes (2018-08-14, Vue, 4256KB, 下载0次)


[微信小程序] campus-recruitment-guidance-client

"Pomelo help" school recruitment guidance service platform WeChat applet. (2021-06-01, Vue, 327KB, 下载0次)


[前端开发] xb-ui

Xiaobao Vue basic component library project (2020-06-06, Vue, 719KB, 下载0次)


[Leetcode/题库] Squirrel-Archive-TJYX-JiSu-School-UniApp-MiniApp

Warning: The current project is a mini program developed for the City University Telecom Business Office in 2019, later renamed as "E proofreading". The project has been abandoned, and this is the UniApp mini program code. This repository is kept to record history, but please note that if you try to use this project, you may encounter various issues and compatibility issues. (2023-05-09, Vue, 489KB, 下载0次)


[Leetcode/题库] rchive-TJYX-JiSu-School-UniApp-MiniApp-Ambassador

Warning: The current project is a mini program developed for the City University Telecom Business Office in 2019, later renamed as "E Xuepin". The project has been abandoned, and this is the UniApp campus ambassador code. This warehouse is kept to record history, but please note that if you try to use this project, you may encounter various issues and compatibility issues. (2023-05-09, Vue, 473KB, 下载0次)


[Leetcode/题库] tzwx

Online school system, including on-demand, live streaming, exams, face-to-face teaching, course cards, agents, and other functions. It can meet users needs for various online teaching activities such as on-demand classes, open classes, large classes, vocational training, Electronic assessment, question brushing, question bank management, and information dynamics. (2023-03-06, Vue, 7812KB, 下载0次)
