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[软件设计/软件工程] 7022

基于计量芯片ATT7022B的多功能三相 电能表的软件校表,非常有用。
ATT7022B chip based on the measurement of three-phase energy meter multi-function software school form, very useful. (2008-08-07, Others, 83KB, 下载349次)


[单片机开发] ATT7022B-Aplication

A measurement of notebook chips, including hardware circuitry and software methods introduce school table! (2008-03-10, Others, 986KB, 下载230次)


[VHDL/FPGA/Verilog] NumClock

基于Altera公司系列FPGA(Cyclone EP1C3T144C8)、Verilog HDL、MAX7219数码管显示芯片、4X4矩阵键盘、TDA2822功放芯片及扬声器等实现了《电子线路设计• 测试• 实验》课程中多功能数字钟实验所要求的所有功能和其它一些扩展功能。包括:基本功能——以数字形式显示时、分、秒的时间,小时计数器为同步24进制,可手动校时、校分;扩展功能——仿广播电台正点报时,任意时刻闹钟(选做),自动报整点时数(选做);其它扩展功能——显示年月日(能处理大月小月,可手动任意设置年月日),秒表(包括开始、暂停和清零)。
based Altera FPGA series (Cyclone EP1C3T144C8) , Verilog HDL, MAX7219 Digital Display chips, 4x4 matrix keyboard, TDA2822 chip power amplifier and loudspeakers of the "Electronic Circuit Design (2007-04-17, Others, 23KB, 下载226次)


[单片机开发] ATT7022B

一款计量芯片的应用笔记,包括外围电路说明和软件校表方法介绍! (2008-03-10, Others, 986KB, 下载155次)


[电子书籍] 计算机编程艺术第1卷

Kenaoshi masterpiece of masterpieces! Book of the computer professional and advanced math, algorithms, etc. unprecedented detail, the computer professional students can not read the masterpiece! Book published decades, the popular American elite is not bad! (2005-05-13, Others, 14018KB, 下载153次)


[Windows编程] Qstat20statisticalsoftware

This is a statistical software, easy-to-read, for beginners to verify the statistical theory will be helpful. (2008-12-03, Others, 1344KB, 下载133次)


[单片机开发] digtalclk

用Altera公司的QuartusII编写的电子钟程序,可以下载至开发板,实现一个智能数字钟功能,计时,校时,闹钟,跑表等功能,也可用于学习verilog HDL语言与数字逻辑
Using Altera s QuartusII procedures for the preparation of electronic bell, you can download to a development board, the realization of an intelligent digital clock function, time, school time, alarm clock, stopwatch functions can also be used to study verilog HDL language and digital logic (2007-12-20, Others, 2045KB, 下载128次)


[单片机开发] shuzi

Design a digital circuit, on the hours, minutes, seconds. Figures show that the timing device, 24-hour period, indicating full scale is 23:59:59 and the time with school functions and timekeeping functions of digital electronic clock. Scale integrated circuits used in the main circuit. The design of this system by the pulse logic circuit module, clock module, the clock display circuit decoding module, when the entire cable module, the campus module components. Using a battery powered, low-power chips and liquid crystal display generator using a quartz crystal oscillator, count of CD4060 oscillator and two D flip-flop 74LS74, two-decimal counter synchronous counter 74LS160, latch decoder is the 74LS248, the whole When telegraph circuits 74LS74, 74LS32 and loudspeaker (2010-06-13, Others, 439KB, 下载125次)


[其他] schools_of_world

世界百校 : E书简介: 菲律宾大学是根据菲律宾首届立法机构颁发的第1870号法令(亦称大学宪章)于1908年6月18日创办的,实际上是依靠美国人,并按照兰德公司资助大学的模式,为菲律宾人开办的一所大学。该校的第一任校长是美国人默里·巴特利特博士(Murray Bartlett)。经过85年的发展,现已是菲律宾规模最大的国立综合性大学。建校之初,全校仅有两个教学单位,即1908年成立的美术学院和农学院。1910年,菲律宾医科学校(成立于1907年)并入菲律宾大学,并于1923年扩大为医学院。
world 100 schools : E brief introduction to the book : According to the University of the Philippines is the first legislative body Philippines awarded the 1870 Act (also known as the Charter of the University) 190 8, June 18 to establish, and in fact rely on the Americans, according to the Rand Corporation and the University Grants model Filipinos run a university. The school is the first president Dr. Americans Molibate Gbadolite (Murray Bartlett). After 85 years of development, the Philippines is now the largest national comprehensive university. The beginning of school, the school only two teaching units, which in 1908 established the College of Art and agriculture. 1910, the Philippines School of Medicine (founded in 1907) into the University of the Philippines. and in 1923 expanded t (2006-12-06, Others, 2574KB, 下载120次)


[网络编程] guagnyuwangjishu

计算机网络课程设计-广域网技术 设计学校各个校区的网络,分配好了IP。
Curriculum design of computer networks- wide area network technology design schools in various campus networks, better allocation of IP. (2007-12-01, Others, 323KB, 下载90次)


[单片机开发] STM8-electronic-calendar

此源代码采用STM8S105S4T6为核心芯片,开发环境为STVD,采用C语言模块化编程。 ①自动计时功能,采用LCD12864显示年、月、日、星期、时、分、秒、温度等信息. ②有校时功能,能对时间进行校准。 ③具有定时闹钟功能,能设定定时闹钟,在时间到时能使蜂鸣器鸣叫。 ④用4个普通机械按键和4个红外遥控按键实现校时和闹铃时间设置双用功能。 ⑤普通机械按键在校时的时候实现一个按键能够实现按一下后加1和按一下后按照设定时间连续加1两种功能。 ⑥设置功能采用LCD12864多菜单显示功能。 ⑦在闹铃时间到时蜂鸣器鸣叫,鸣叫的时间超出20秒左右后闹铃会自动关闭(期间没有按键按下),若在蜂鸣器鸣叫期间有按键按下,则闹铃也会关闭。
This source code using STM8S105S4T6 core chip development environment for STVD, modular programming using C language. ① automatic timing function, using LCD12864 display year, month, date, day, hour, minute, second, temperature and other information. ② The school functions can be calibrated on time. ③ with a regular alarm clock function, can set the regular alarm clock, to make the buzzer sounds when the time. And dual-use feature set alarm time when ④ with four mechanical buttons and four ordinary infrared remote control buttons to achieve the school. ⑤ ordinary mechanical buttons at the school when the time to achieve the realization of a button click and click after adding a post in accordance with the set time plus a consecutive two functions. ⑥ setting function menu display using multi LCD12864. ⑦ when the buzzer sounds at the alarm time, tweet longer than about 20 seconds after the alarm turns off automatically (no keys pressed during), if during the buzzer button (2014-04-21, Others, 282KB, 下载70次)


[单片机开发] edaTimer

digital clock is the main function Minutes date when the output function and the date and time set for the function , they can point the entire timekeeping functions. Digital Clock Design is the core issue date of the clock automatic conversion function. Automatic identification is the number of days in the control. One can design a structure as shown in the digital clock, the digital clock module, including schools, the number of days in processing module, Minutes module at the time, date and output modules to choose modules. In this study, only a simple figures accurate design, the other part of the next step yet to be improved. (2007-04-01, Others, 40KB, 下载69次)


[Modem编程] ModemTechnology

利用Boson模拟器进行设计实施及测试: 某校有本科生宿舍5座,每座4层,每层10间房,每间房2个学生,。要求对学生宿舍的网络进行设计规划,设计时需满足下列要求:在宿舍区提供一个学生服务器机房,供学生社团放置各类服务器;在学生服务器机房,设置一个代理服务器供同学们使用学校分配了1段C类IP地址给该学生服务器机房,IP地址为202.116.187.0/24。;拟保证每个学生有一个上网端口;学生机器采用私有IP地址,通过代理服务器上校外网。设计时尽量能够减少广播风暴; 请根据以上环境和设计要求设计该网络,完成下列工作并撰写相关文档: 选择相应的网络设备(以Cisco品牌为蓝本,写出参数和数量);写出设计方案、画出网络拓扑结构、并阐述设计理由. (2008-05-22, Others, 509KB, 下载68次)


[单片机开发] EWB

EWB做的多功能数字钟 由振荡器输出稳定的高频脉冲信号作为时间基准,经分频器输出标准的秒脉冲,秒计数器满60向分计数器进位,分计数器满60向小时计数器进位,小时计数器按“12翻1”规律计数,计数器经译码器送到显示器;计数出现误差可用校时电路进行校时、校分、校秒, 可发挥部分:使闹钟具有可整点报时与定时闹钟的功能。
EWB done by the multi-function digital clock oscillator output stable high frequency pulse signal as a time reference. Frequency Divider output by the standards of seconds pulse, aged 60 seconds to counter-counter rounding, Counter-to-60-hour counter rounding, by the Counter-hour "12 over a" law count, Counter by the decoder to display; Counting errors school circuit can be used for schools, school hours, school seconds to play : The alarm clock can be made with whole point regular alarm clock and timer functions. (2006-11-26, Others, 126KB, 下载61次)


[单片机开发] 51MCU

51单片机电子日历程序代码 有时间显示、闹铃、日期、秒表及键盘设置功能
51 Single-chip electronic calendar program code has time display, alarm, date, stopwatch function and keyboard settings (2008-02-15, Others, 4KB, 下载60次)


[单片机开发] shuzizhongsheji1

基于51单片机的数字钟程序,实现了闹铃校时两个功能,用Keil C编写
SCM digital clock procedures, the alarm function of two schools, with the preparation of Keil C (2007-06-28, Others, 58KB, 下载54次)


[单片机开发] FPGAdigitaltimer

本设计要实现一个具有预置数的数字钟的设计,具体要求如下: 1. 正确显示年、月、日 2. 正确显示时、分、秒 3. 具有校时,整点报时和秒表功能 4. 进行系统模拟仿真和下载编程实验,验证系统的正确性
designed to achieve this with a number of preset clock design, and specific requirements are as follows : 1. Display correctly, , 2. display correctly when, minutes and 3 seconds. with school, the whole point timekeeping and stopwatch functions 4. for system simulation and download programming an experiment to test the correctness of system (2007-04-01, Others, 491KB, 下载53次)


[嵌入式Linux] teaching_material_of_USA_famous_college

this information is embedded system courses elite of top handouts, Embedded overhead from the various aspects of the detailed, in-school students to be very helpful. (2006-11-01, Others, 939KB, 下载28次)


[企业管理] glxtxb

School version of paper management system is absolutely worthy of your expectations. Hope that we have shared many things. (2009-05-22, Others, 4794KB, 下载28次)


[模式识别(视觉/语音等)] FaceRec_part2

Because I study of face recognition has recently collected a number of prestigious doctoral master' s thesis, all of 2008 to 2009, and has great reference value, such as the need for image processing, pattern recognition type of material, please contact shuqin87 @ 163. com (2009-09-18, Others, 23750KB, 下载26次)
