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按平台查找All matlab(73) 

[生物医药技术] Baseline_Corrector

We present an algorithm suitable for automatically correcting rolling baseline coming from time-domain truncation induced by the dead time in pulse-acquire one-dimensional MAS NMR spectra. It relies on an iterative estimation of the baseline restricted in the time-domain by the dead time duration combined with a histogram filter allowing (2020-11-12, matlab, 0KB, 下载0次)


[物理/力学计算] matlab-signals-processing

2017年秋季在蒙特雷科技大学蒙特雷校区举行的为期一周的信号处理Matlab:Images and Audio研讨会的最终项目,
Final project for the one week workshop Matlab for signal processing: Images and Audio at Tec de Monterrey, Monterrey Campus in Fall 2017, (2019-08-25, matlab, 0KB, 下载0次)


[数学计算] Math-model-of-XUPT

Problem B of mathematical modeling contest (2018-05-04, matlab, 0KB, 下载0次)


[数据挖掘/数据仓库] Data-Envelopment-Analysis

A non-parametric method of Optimization used to calculate the efficiencies of three campuses of Birla Institute of Technology and Science, Pilani. (2017-08-27, matlab, 904KB, 下载0次)


[物理/力学计算] matlab

Matlab programs mostly created for a Computational Physics class at UMass Amherst. (2015-01-16, matlab, 733KB, 下载0次)


[人工智能/神经网络/深度学习] Reinforcement-Learning

Reinforcement-Learning,paper work_2017-2018(Ambient backscatter) (2018-04-15, matlab, 5948KB, 下载4次)


[matlab编程] wm

水面无人艇(Unmanned Surface Vehicle)的航迹控制对提升无人艇艇载设备 侦察观测效果以及多任务作战能力具有十分ffi要的意义。由于受到风、浪、流等 干扰环境影响,水而无人艇将产生六自由度的操纵运动,具有很强的非线性和随 机性。这将致使无人艇的航向航迹及姿态控制具有一定的难度,因此需要对水面 无人艇建立六自由度操纵模型,更好地实现对无人艇的控制。 采用经典的MMG分离建模思想,依托浜本刚实提出的水平附体坐标系,建 立水面无人艇的六自由度操纵运动方程。分析无人艇艇体、桨、舵所受的流动动 力和力矩,分别建立流体惯性力模型、流体粘性力模型、螺旋桨推力模型及舵机 模型。 考虑海况和气象环境的影响,分析风、浪作用于无人艇上的T扰力。将随机 风简化为定常风,建、风的干扰力数孕模型 采用傅汝德-克茁洛火(Froude - Krylov) 假设,研究规则波中无人艇受到的T扰力,述立波浪的r扰力数学投型。 在数学模型的站础上述立?于MATLAB/Simulink的仿i t校型,并进行典型的 冋转试验,分别分析不同海况下的无人艇的问转情况。无人艇丨 丨主航行时,在不 同海况下,绘制出其航速及船摇炻的变化曲线。通过总结分析,推论出多种海况
The course and track control of unmanned surface vehicle (USV) is important to improve the observational effect of the recon reconnaissance equipment and the multi- -mission operational capability. Because of the effects of wind, wave and flow, the unmanned surface vehicle will produce six degrees of freedom movement which has randomicity and nonlinearity. It is difficult of the course, track and attitude control of unmanned surface vehicle, so six degrees of freedom movement model is built for the better control of unmanned surface vehicle. According to the classic MMG s separated modeling theory and the horizontal body axes system which was developed by Hamamoto, this thesis describes a six degrees of freedom motion equation of unmanned surface vehicle. Through analyzing the hydrodynamic force and moment, the fluid inertia force model, the fluid viscous force model, propeller thrust model and steering gear model are built respectively. Considering (2016-03-29, matlab, 4842KB, 下载79次)


[matlab编程] linsanpinpuxiaozheng

Discrete spectrum correction procedures discrete spectrum correction procedure (2014-03-13, matlab, 46KB, 下载65次)


[数学计算] apFFT

FFT and apFFT calibration procedures, frequency correction value obtained by calculating the amplitude correction, the initial phase correction (2013-12-28, matlab, 1KB, 下载42次)


[matlab编程] PLL-and-FLL-in-digital-costas-loop

锁相环和锁频环在数字costas环中的应用.pdf 一篇关于costa环路的新颖设计方案,包含大量的仿真图和性能分析,对学习锁相环有很大帮助
And frequency-locked loop PLL digital costas loop in the application. Pdf a novel about the costa loop design, contains a large number of simulation map and performance analysis are very helpful for learning PLL (2013-09-04, matlab, 763KB, 下载107次)


[matlab编程] hashingToolbox0_1beta

图像认证中的Image Hashing技术,源码最新下载自美国名校The University of Texas at Austin的Brian L. Evans教授的实验室网站
Matlab programs for image hashing downloaded from Professor Brian L. Evans in University of Texas at Austin in USA (2010-11-02, matlab, 2058KB, 下载50次)



Features: The program for the simulation time synchronization method of time synchronization algorithm for two-way ranging (TWT-UTD) and no drift from the time when the method of school (RTT). Input: the distance between nodes, clock drift, output: 2 synchronization errors of the map. (2010-08-16, matlab, 1KB, 下载103次)


[matlab编程] Fuzzy-PID

将自适应模糊PID的控制方法应用于电液伺服控制系统中,通过使用MAⅡAB的 FuzzY工具箱对系统建模和仿真计算,并可根据仿真结果在线调整PID参数,对系统进行校 正.
The adaptive fuzzy PID control method is applied to electro-hydraulic servo control system, through the use of MA Ⅱ AB' s FuzzY toolbox on the system modeling and simulation, and can be adjusted according to the simulation results of PID parameters online, the system calibration. (2010-05-29, matlab, 301KB, 下载111次)


[matlab编程] matlabscore

某校60名学生的一次考试成绩如下: 某校60名学生的一次考试成绩如下: (93 75 83 93 91 85 84 82 77 76 77 95 94 89 91 88 86 83 96 81 79 97 78 75 67 69 68 84 83 81 75 66 85 70 94 84 83 82 80 78 74 73 76 70 86 76 90 89 71 66 86 73 80 94 79 78 77 63 53 55 1)计算均值、标准差、极差、偏度、峰度,画出直方图; 2)检验分布的正态性; 3)若检验符合正态分布,估计正态分布的参数并检验参数 (1)计算均值、标准差、极差、偏度、峰度,画出直方图; 2)检验分布的正态性; 3)若检验符合正态分布,估计正态分布的参数并检验参数
60 students of a school examination results of the first as follows: (1) calculating the mean, standard deviation, very poor, skewness, kurtosis, draw histogram 2) test of normality of distribution 3) If the test in line with normal distribution, it is estimated that the normal distribution parameters and test parameters (2009-06-03, matlab, 40KB, 下载71次)


[*行业应用] ZhangzhengyouCameraCalibration_MATLAB

Zhang is the Friends of the use of two-dimensional control points for camera calibration procedures, in the realization of MATLAB. (2009-01-01, matlab, 37KB, 下载49次)


[教育系统应用] junjima

Convolutional codes codecs done some time ago in school communications systems curriculum design, selection of channel convolutional codes codec issue, but had searched the Internet to find it did not achieve the MatLab, no way, I have no information in the library search themselves resolved. This is my thesis argues curriculum design parts: (2008-12-28, matlab, 3KB, 下载41次)


[matlab编程] DVHOP

该程序在matlab环境下完成DV HOP算法的实现。可算出最短路经算法计算节点间跳数、每个信标节点的校正值并可用用跳数估计距离。
err (2008-06-18, matlab, 1KB, 下载295次)


[图形图像处理] dwtg

禄些校歇袪袔袉衼渭袛袣褝效笑袥 庐 校袔袥谐 衼袌 卢 Matlab肖覒袙谢 (2007-08-14, matlab, 97KB, 下载66次)


[matlab编程] MATLAB7.x_signalprocessing

《MATLAB7.x数字信号处理》源代码。本书面向信号处理领域,在简要介绍信号处理基本概念的基础上,详细介绍了MATLAB工具箱函数及其使用,内容涵盖了MATLAB使用基础、高级编程和重要领域的应用。在结构安排上,本书立足于信号处理各个具体领域,并结合信息处理工具箱,以大量的程序访真为依托,讲解了MATLAB在信号处理中的具体应用。 本书结构合理,内容全面,图文并茂,实例丰富,适用面广,适合信号处理、自动控制、机械电子、自动化、电力电气、通信工程等专业的本科生、研究生、教师和科技工作者阅读。可作为数学信号处理课程的参考书,对涉及数字信号处理的各大院校师生具有重要的参考价值和实用价值。
"MATLAB7.x digital signal processing" source code. Writing to the field of signal processing, signal processing briefly introduced the basic concepts on the basis of Details on MATLAB toolbox function and its use, which covers the use of MATLAB basis, Advanced Programming and important fields. Structural arrangements, the book based on the signal processing specific areas, and integrate information processing toolbox a large number of the procedures for the visit to really rely on the MATLAB on signal processing in the specific application. The structure reasonable, comprehensive and illustrated examples of rich, widespread applicability, suitable for signal processing, automatic control, machinery and electronics, automation, electrical power, telecommunications and other profes (2007-06-21, matlab, 153KB, 下载54次)


[人工智能/神经网络/深度学习] rbfmain

this is my school ANN curriculum so the curriculum design of the source, rbf use of neural networks. (2007-04-14, matlab, 1KB, 下载90次)
