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[教育系统应用] 酒店餐饮管理vc++

I graduated design school in 2005 was outstanding graduate design called the detailed design idea (2005-12-12, Visual C++, 6147KB, 下载852次)


[IP电话/视频会议] 可视电话软件

NetTalk是一个适用于局域网和因特网的可视电话软件 一. 开发环境 Windows2000 Server & Visual C++6.0 & SDK +自开发的CWndX类库(相当于简化的MFC涉及窗口的部分) 二. 支持环境 Windows98/ME/2000/XP 三. 所涉及协议和标准 网络传输采用UDP协议,音频压缩采用G.729标准,视频压缩采用H.263标准 四. 性能参数 以音频帧为基准,每帧音频数据有240个采样点,时间为240*1000/8000=30ms,8000为音频的采样率。 数据接收端队列缓冲延迟:30*3=90ms 数据发送端录音延迟:30ms 数据压缩解压耗时:<40ms 网络延迟:<100ms(我想校网情况应该不错J) 总延迟:<260ms 根据VOIP标准,总延迟<300ms是人可以接受的,以上计算是保守的,实际情况可能会好得多。
NetTalk is applied to a LAN and the Internet a video phone software. Windows 2000 Server Development Environment (2006-01-26, Visual C++, 4816KB, 下载705次)


[嵌入式/单片机/硬件编程] C8051F(EC5.FLASH-HEX)

New Hualong C8051F (EC5 debugging. FLASH-HEX download and KEIL drive) full set of information, a packet in hand, application of mind. (2011-05-09, Visual C++, 8447KB, 下载438次)


[Windows编程] vc++数字图象处理我的作业

This an assignment that our teacher assigned to us in the class. It is about the image processing, you guys can have a look! (2005-06-19, Visual C++, 7868KB, 下载400次)


[图形图象] CameraCalibration

The use of close-range photogrammetry in the camera calibration algorithm of camera distortion parameters of internal and external orientation elements and solution procedures. (2009-12-31, Visual C++, 1233KB, 下载295次)


[教育系统应用] 运动会分数统计程序

题目:参加运动会的N个学校编号为1~N.比赛分成M个男子项目和W个女子项目,项目编号分别为1~M和M+1~M+W.由于个项目参加人数差别较大,有些项目取前5名,得分顺序为7,5,3,2,1 还有些项目只取前3名,得分顺序为5,3,2.写一个统计程序产生各种成绩单和得分报表.基本要求:产生各学校的成绩单,内容包括各校所取得的每项成绩的项目号,名次,姓名和得分 产生团体总分报表,内容包括校号,男子团体总分,女子团体总分和团体总分.概要设计:1. 为实现上述程序功能,应以线性表表示集合.2. 本程序包含3个模块:(1) 各集合定义模块(2) 线性表实现模块(3) 主程序模块
topics : participation in the Games N-school No. 1 ~ N. contestants were divided into men item M and W-woman project, a number of M and M ~ ~ 1 M W. As projects vary greatly in the number of participants, some of the items from the former five, scoring sequence of 7,5,3,2,1 also just take some items before the three scores sequence of incidents. write a variety of statistical procedures and report card scoring statements. the basic requirements : have the school report card, which includes school admission the results of each item, ranking names and scores scores statements groups, including schools, the men's team scores, the women's team scores and scores groups. summary of design : 1. to achieve the above functions of the program, said a linear table set .2. this program include (2005-05-17, Visual C++, 54KB, 下载202次)


[数据结构] 070324A

飞思卡尔智能车 车 模 介 绍 车模调校的主要参数 舵机控制方法
Freescale (2008-05-22, Visual C++, 1494KB, 下载195次)


[网络编程] xClientV2.0

智能客户端,帮助您顺利上网 ,无忧疑惑联系我。。。
automatic (2010-10-30, Visual C++, 628KB, 下载173次)


[单片机开发] diantimonixitong

[问题描述] 设计一个电梯模拟系统。这是一个离散的模拟程序,因为电梯系统是乘客和电梯等 “活动体”构成的集合,虽然他们彼此交互作用,但他们的行为是基本独立的。在离散的模拟中,以模拟时钟决定每个活动体的动作发生的时刻和顺序.系统在某个模拟瞬间处理有待完成的各种事情,然后把模拟时钟推进到某个动作预定要发生的下一个时刻。 [基本要求] (1) 模拟某校五层教学楼的电梯系统。该楼有一个自动电梯,能在每层停留。五个楼层由下至上依次称为地下层、第一层、第二层、第三层和第四层,其个第一层是大楼的进出层,即是电梯的“本垒层”,电梯“空闲”时,将来到该层候命。 (2) 乘客可随机地进出于任何层。对每个入来说,他有一个能容忍的最长等待时间,一旦等候电梯时间过长,他将放弃。 (3) 模拟时钟从0开始,时间单位为0.1秒。人和电梯的各种动作均要耗费一定的时间单位(简记为t),比如: 有人进出时,电梯每隔40t测试一次,若无人进出,则关门。 关门和开门各需要20t 每个人进出电梯均需要25t 如果电梯在某层静止时间超过300t,则驶回1层候命。 (4) 按时序显示系统状态的变化过程:发生的全部人和电梯的动作序列。
[Problem description : design an elevator simulation system. This is a discrete simulation program, because the lift system for passengers and elevators "body" form of assembly, Although the interaction between them, but their behavior is a basic independent. The discrete simulation, simulation clock to decide on the activities of each of the action takes time and sequence. A simulation system in an instant to be done to deal with the matter, then analog clock advance to a certain action is scheduled to take place the next time. [Basic requirements] (1) simulation of a school teaching floor of the five-story elevator system. Even with an escalator, will stay in the library. Five floors from the bottom to the lower deck were called, the first-, second-, third- and fourth layer, i (2006-05-25, Visual C++, 48KB, 下载157次)


[单片机开发] ActivePower

Att7022 Atmega16 measured using microarray microcontroller and active, detailed calibration process, this procedure can be developed on the basis of more features (2011-04-21, Visual C++, 741KB, 下载142次)


[界面编程] automa_start

日常生活中常常会遇到由于事务繁忙或要处理的事太多,造成健忘,无序的事务管理,对个人或单位造成很大麻烦 。 本闹钟是一款集功能强大、使用便捷、精致小巧、美观大方四为一体的个人用计算机定时自动执行软件。 网络校时功能可连接至十三个互联网原子钟获取标准时间并进行调整。 1、能够方便的在您需要的时候“关闭计算机/重启计算机/注销计算机/待机计算机/打开文件(程序)”。 2、执行操作的时间设置也十分贴心,可以“定时操作/延时操作/等待操作”。 3、具备公历农历查看功能的万年历。 4、网络原子钟校时。 5、使用图形界面,内置面板,钟面窗口形状随图形改变,外形活泼可爱,特色鲜明。 6、可以设定多项闹铃任务,最大的灵活性覆盖一年365天。
daily life will often encounter as busy or to deal with too many things, causing forgetful, disorderly Management, the individual or unit cause great trouble. The alarm clock is set one powerful, easy to use and occupy small, pleasing to the eye as one of four personal computers regularly software automatically. Network school function can be connected to the Internet 13 hours clock access to standards and make the adjustments. 1. to the convenience when you need it, "closed computer/restart the computer/write-off of computer/Standby computer/open text pieces (procedures). " 2, the execution of set-up time is also very intimate, "TIMED/Delay operation/wait for the operation." 3, Lunar calendar with the calendar View function. 4, the network clock school. 5, (2006-08-13, Visual C++, 808KB, 下载141次)


[单片机开发] ZLG7289

ZGL7289全套中文资料+实例 ZLG7289B是广州周立功单片机发展有限公司自行设计的,具有SPI串行接口功能的可同时驱动8位共阴式数码管(或64只独立LED)的智能显示驱动芯片,该芯片同时还可连接多达64键的键盘矩阵,单片即可完成LED显示﹑键盘接口的全部功能,该芯片经过了多年的验证,现正式转化为ASIC芯片,一次性流片成功,让您使用无忧!。ZLG7289B内部含有译码器,可直接接受BCD码或16进制码,并同时具有2种译码方式,此外,还具有多种控制指令,如消隐﹑闪烁﹑左移﹑右移﹑段寻址等。ZLG7289B具有片选信号,可方便地实现多于8位的显示或多于64键的键盘接口。
Notes : Dimens ions D and E 1 do not include mold flash or protrus ions . Mold flash or protrus ions shall not exceed .010” ( 0.254mm) per s ide. J E DE C E quivalent: MO-011 Drawing No. C04-079 (2009-05-17, Visual C++, 1042KB, 下载133次)


[按钮控件] 11!

会的N个学校编号为1~N.比赛分成M个男子项目和W个女子项目,项目编号分别为1~M和M+1~M+W.由于个项目参加人数差别较大,有些项目取前5名,得分顺序为7,5,3,2,1 还有些项目只取前3名,得分顺序为5,3,2.写一个统计程序产生各种成绩单和得分报表.基本要求:产生各学校的成绩单,内容包括各校所取得的每项成绩的项目号,名次,姓名和得分 产生团体总分报表,内容包括校号,男子团体总分,女子团体总分和团体总分.
school No. 1 ~ N. contestants were divided into men item M and W-woman project, a number of M and M ~ ~ 1 M W. As projects vary greatly in the number of participants, some of the items from the former five, scoring the order of 7 , McCain also just take some items before the three scores sequence of incidents. write a variety of statistical procedures and report card scoring statements. the basic requirements : have the school report card, which includes schools of the achievements of each item Head, rankings, names and scores scores statements groups, including schools, the men's team scores, the women's team scores and scores groups. (2005-07-06, Visual C++, 33KB, 下载132次)


[其他小程序] complex

This is a solution of complex equations of procedures, including binary, ternary equation can also be Cartesian coordinates and polar coordinates transformation. There are detailed instructions. . . The objective is to solve the circuit basis of the problems encountered because the circuit there are many of them are related to solutions of complex equations of the problem, understand the equations for the installation of matlab uneconomical, so simply use the school software you, including your Shuang ! (2008-06-08, Visual C++, 2334KB, 下载124次)


[其他] SportMeeting

学生运动会成绩数据库 问题描述:学生运动会成绩数据库系统记录某校运动会上全部运动项目,各系获得的分数及排名的情况,包括50、100、200,400,1500米,跳高,跳远,标枪,铅球铁饼等。进入系统后可以输入和修改某个项目的结果情况,可以按各系院编号输出总分;按总分排序;按男团体总分排序 ;按系院编号查询;按项目编号查询;按女团体总分排序。 分步实施: 初步完成总体设计,搭好框架,确定人机对话的界面,确定函数个数; 完成最低要求:建立一个文件,包括某个系,5个项目的得分情况,能对文件中的信息进行扩充(追加),修改和删除; 进一步要求:完成对多个系,多个项目的得分排序,以及完成系统查询功能。有兴趣的同学可以自己扩充系统功能。 键盘输入:系院数目,男子项目数女子项目数,(每项目取前三名,分别为10,5,2分) 要求:1)界面友好,函数功能要划分好 2)总体设计应画一流程图 3)程序要加必要的注释 4)要提供程序测试方案 5)程序一定要经得起测试,宁可功能少一些,也要能运行起来,不能运行的程序是没有价值的。
Problem Description: Student Games results of a database system for recording all the sports, school sporting events, various departments to obtain scores and ranking, including 50,100,200,400,1500 meters, high jump, long jump, javelin, shot put, discus and so on. Entering the system can enter and modify the results of a project, you can output Total Number of Hospitals by various departments sorted by Total by male groups Total sort by the Department of School No. inquiries by item number search by women groups Total sort. (2009-08-29, Visual C++, 46KB, 下载114次)


[Windows编程] SMVWave

SMV written with QT waveform analysis tools. Can choose to view all the way or multiple-channel real-time curve. View multi-channel signal can also choose the base channel and along the way by the school channel, calculated by the school channel, real-time voltage, than the poor angular difference and compound the error. (2009-09-27, Visual C++, 5016KB, 下载106次)


[网络编程] pccode_2006910125951577

NetTalk是一个适用于局域网和因特网的可视电话软件 一.开发环境 Windows2000 Server & Visual C++6.0 & SDK +自开发的CWndX类库(相当于简化的MFC涉及窗口的部分) 二.支持环境 Windows98/ME/2000/XP 三.所涉及协议和标准 网络传输采用UDP协议,音频压缩采用G.729标准,视频压缩采用H.263标准 四.性能参数 以音频帧为基准,每帧音频数据有240个采样点,时间为240*1000/8000=30ms,8000为音频的采样率。 数据接收端队列缓冲延迟:30*3=90ms 数据发送端录音延迟:30ms 数据压缩解压耗时:<40ms 网络延迟:<100ms(我想校网情况应该不错J) 总延迟:<260ms 根据VOIP标准,总延迟<300ms是人可以接受的,以上计算是保守的,实际情况可能会好得多。 (2007-07-31, Visual C++, 4054KB, 下载97次)


[Windows编程] fenshutongji

该文件是关于运动会分数统计的程序。问题描述: 参加运动会的有n个学校编号为1-----n。比赛分成m个男子项目和w个女子项目,项目编号分别为1---m和m+1---m+w。由于各项目参加人数差别较大,有些项目取前五名,得分顺序为7,5,3,2,1;有些项目取前三名,得分顺序为5,3,2。写一个统计程序产生得分报表。 基本要求: 产生总分报表,内容包括校号、男子团体总分、女子团体总分和团体总分。 测试数据: 对于n=4,m=3,w=2,编号为奇数的项目取前五名,编号为偶数的项目取前三名,设计一组实例数据。 实现提示: 可以假设n<=20,m<=30,w<=20,姓名长度不超过20个字符。每个项目结束时,将其编号、类型名(区分前五名还是前三名)输入,并按名次顺序输入运动员姓名、校名。
Games scores of statistical procedures. Problem description : participation in the Games n School No. 1----- n. Competition is divided into men item m and w-woman projects that were No. 1--- and m m m w 1---. Because of the projects vary greatly in the number of participants, some of the items from the top five scores in chronological order 7,5,3,2,1; Some of the items from the top three scores order of flu. Write a statistical procedures scoring statements. The basic requirements : have scores statements, including schools, the men's team scores, the women's team scores and scores groups. Test data : For n = 4, m = 3, w = 2, the odd-numbered items from the top five, even numbered from the top three projects, design examples of a group of data. Implementation Tip : it can be a (2005-07-03, Visual C++, 48KB, 下载97次)


[流媒体/Mpeg4/MP4] VC_Audio_Video_Tech_and_Application_Source_Code

配套书信息:http://product.dangdang.com/product.aspx?product_id=20507035 一线音/视频开发工程师8年沉淀的经验奉献。9大经典案例全面剖析应用开发技术,学有所用。配套工程原型代码,快速构建用户应用程序。   音/视频工程师兼培训讲师8年经验的倾情奉献;本书剖析了DirectSound、DirectShow的功能与特性,以案例详细讲解技术开发过程;本书重点对主流的视频算法MPEG-4/h.264进行介绍,从编码原理、工程实践、算法优化、技术效果等出发介绍最实用的开源算法XviD、CODEC、X264编码;本书内容丰富而且翔实,一书在手,Visual C++音/视频开发、算法优化无忧;全程9大经典案例引导学习,目标更加明确,学习效率更高;源于实践,贴近应用,案例为主,内容生动,深入浅出,通俗易懂;配套代码光盘,免去烦琐输入代码的工作,提高学习效率。
Book Info http://product.dangdang.com/product.aspx?product_id=20507035 (2009-03-18, Visual C++, 22470KB, 下载96次)


[C#编程] jxgl

Asp.net source code files (2010-01-29, Visual C++, 1340KB, 下载94次)
