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[单片机开发] L_Q_GPS_FM_CLK

STC12C5A60S2+2.4TFT+DS1302+DS18B20+GPS+FM 自动校时收音机电子钟 STC12C5A60S2+2.4TFT+DS1302+DS18B20+GPS+FM 自动校时收音机电子钟 捣鼓了许久,将之前的电子钟做了些改动,顺便试了下GPS跟FM,做了这个版本的 51+2.4寸TFT+GPS+FM电子钟
STC12C5A60S2+ 2.4TFT+ DS1302+ DS18B20+ GPS+ FM automatic correction when electronic clock radio Fiddle for a long time, the electronic clock before made ​ ​ some changes to the way the next test GPS with FM, made ​ ​ this version of the 51+ 2.4 inch TFT+ GPS+ FM digital clock (2014-08-24, Objective-C, 14117KB, 下载15次)


[Java编程] The-Swift-Programming-Language

The Swift Programming Language中文完整版(CocoaChina精校)
The Swift Programming Language (2014-06-19, Objective-C, 6478KB, 下载8次)


[软件设计/软件工程] MSP430F_yunxinghuanjing

This document includes msp430f Series MCU operating environment and the IAR development of installation and use of detailed documentation to facilitate the beginners and in-school students and msp430f Series MCU Development lovers easy to use. (2010-01-05, Objective-C, 43818KB, 下载4次)


[数学计算] panduanzheyitianshidijiniandedijitian

判断几天是第几年的第几天 这个校判别程序是我的一点心德,希望大家喜欢啊
To determine the first few days the first few days of the school identification process is the point I Xinde, I hope everyone likes ah (2008-05-31, Objective-C, 3KB, 下载1次)


[iPhone/iOS] CyxbsMobile_iOS

红岩网校工作站 - 掌上重邮 - iOS, stars:10, update:2024-04-20 11:54:30 (2024-04-21, Objective-C, 0KB, 下载0次)


[collect] PhotosReactNative

Look Lock-在React Native(iOS和Android都可用)中无忧无虑地显示照片。,
Look Lock - Show photos without worries in React Native (available both iOS and Android)., (2017-04-18, Objective-C, 0KB, 下载0次)
