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[数学计算] FORTRAN-90

FORTRAN语言是世界上最早出现的高级语言,在科学计算、数值分析和工程设计等领域有着十广泛的应用。从1954年第一个FORTRAN语言版本问世至今,FORTRAN语言有了很大发展。FORTRAN语言的发展使这门古老的语言焕发出新的活力。   本书介绍FORTRAN90程序设计的基本方法,努力培养读者的程序设计能力。主要内容有:FORTRAN程序基础、顺序结构程序设计、选择结构程序设计、循环结构程序设计、FORTRAN90数据类型、格式输入输出、数组、子程序、结构体、指针、文件、FORTRAN90图形操作。作者针对初学者的特点,力求做到内容丰富、取材新颖、循序渐进、注重实用、便于教学。   本书可作为高校理工科学专业学生学习程序设计的教材,也可供软件开发人员参考。  
FORTRAN language is the world s earliest high-level language, in scientific computing, numerical analysis and engineering fields has more than ten wide range of applications. From 1954, the first since the advent of FORTRAN languages, FORTRAN language has developed significantly. FORTRAN language development so that the ancient language to breathe new vitality. This book describes the basic method of FORTRAN90 program design, program design and strive to cultivate the reader s ability. The main content: FORTRAN program based on order structured programming, selection procedures for structural design, structural programming cycle, FORTRAN90 data type, format, input and output, arrays, subroutines, structures, pointers, files, FORTRAN90 graphics operations. Author features for beginners, and strive to achieve rich, drawn novel, step by step, focus on practical, easy to teaching. Polytechnic University as a science book, students learn programming textbooks, reference is also availabl (2011-09-03, Fortran, 4012KB, 下载10次)
