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按平台查找All Unix_Linux(21) 

[FlashMX/Flex源码] 51center_flash

无忧FLASH程序 超管、密码为admin
Worry FLASH program Super pipe, the password is admin (2016-03-06, Unix_Linux, 701KB, 下载1次)


[界面编程] bsbook2.0

界面美化,赏心悦目。管理功能更趋完善 密码采用单向加密算法存储,安全无忧 管理用户名:雨农 初始密码:111
To beautify the interface, good to hear or see. Perfect the management function Password using one-way encryption algorithm to store, secure The management of user name: Yu Nong The initial password: 111 (2016-03-03, Unix_Linux, 62KB, 下载1次)


[Linux/Unix编程] datalab

Upload the school year, the use of foreign-depth understanding of the experimental computer system on the books, and some may not, most of it should be about, which the report detailed comments for each function, it is suitable for students who can not find a clue, I hope this a great help to you. (2015-05-16, Unix_Linux, 243KB, 下载1次)


[Linux/Unix编程] ntpserver_port.tar

Under Linux, when school streamlined ntp server, port open out. (2014-11-19, Unix_Linux, 10302KB, 下载6次)


[单片机开发] main

Can automatically receive 51cto downloads beans, worry-free coins every day. Quickly download and try! ! (2014-02-19, Unix_Linux, 1KB, 下载7次)


[嵌入式Linux] U.S.-embeded-notes

U.S. elite embedded lecture notes, PPT, foundation raise (2013-01-30, Unix_Linux, 1280KB, 下载26次)


[嵌入式Linux] lcd

这是lcd 校对屏的CGI代码 通过本代码可以网页校屏方便 我自己写的啊
this is lcd test for cgi (2012-04-18, Unix_Linux, 1KB, 下载4次)


[Linux/Unix编程] d2f6ea7b43b3

Linux learning good information, with a book, the future of mind. (2010-11-16, Unix_Linux, 60KB, 下载4次)


[网络] ntp_client

功能:ntp客户端,实时校时 运行环境:linux 内核版本:2.6.25-14.fc9.i686 描述:严格按照rfc1305的规范来编写的ntp客户端程序,时间服务器使用国家授时中心。ip: 程序中有必要的注释,便于阅读,复制在任意目录下直接make,./ntp_client就可以实现时间的实时校对。 根据需要可以选择粗略对时和精确对时两种,但在精确对时的时差和延迟计算方法上还有待进一步研究。 enjoy!
Function: ntp client, real-time environment for the school run: linux kernel version :2.6.25-14. Fc9.i686 Description: rfc1305 in strict accordance with the norms of the client program written in ntp, time server using the National Time Service Center. ip: procedures necessary to note, easy to read, copy in any directory directly make,./ntp_client time can be achieved in real time proofreading. Can choose according to need roughly the time of the two on time and accurate, but accurate to the time difference and delay time calculation method remains to be further studied. enjoy! (2010-11-08, Unix_Linux, 4KB, 下载129次)


[Linux/Unix编程] seu-spark_xiaosaibase_g.tar

东南大学robot cup校赛基队源代码,3d仿真组,保证能运行
the code of robot cup of southeast University (2010-10-29, Unix_Linux, 11632KB, 下载7次)


[Linux/Unix编程] qtopia-book

本书是一本针对Linux环境下利用C++函数库Qtopia进行嵌入式研发的软件研发人员的入门书。本书融合了笔者在长期的软件研发过程中总结的大量实战经验,以智能移动终端的研发为背景,详细介绍了嵌入式Linux的研发环境和Qtopia的设计架构。本书适用的读者主要为从事嵌入式软件、C/C++等领域的初、中级软件工程师和在校本科生、研究生等。   TrolltechR、Trolltech、QtR、Qt、QtopiaR、Qtopia、SXETM等为Trolltech公司的注册商标,本书涉及的所有代码遵循GPLv2许可。
This book is a Linux environment for the use of C++ library Qtopia embedded software R & D personnel R & D primer. This book combines the author of the software development process in the long term to sum up a large number of field experience, research and development of smart mobile devices as the background, detailing the development of embedded Linux and Qtopia environment, the design of architecture. This book is for readers who are mainly engaged in embedded software, C/C++ and other areas of the early and mid-level software engineers, undergraduate students, graduate students. TrolltechR, Trolltech, QtR, Qt, QtopiaR, Qtopia, SXETM such as Trolltech registered trademark of the book involves all of the code follows the GPLv2 license. (2010-07-30, Unix_Linux, 2729KB, 下载63次)


[其他书籍] quick_look_up_C_function

C函数库使用查询,提供windows和linux 两个版本,祝你编程无忧
C function library using the inquiries, to provide two versions of windows and linux, I wish you a worry-free programming (2008-11-25, Unix_Linux, 343KB, 下载5次)


[Linux/Unix编程] 1

我们第四届校赛 Robocup 的比赛仿真文件 有是个对的希望大家多支持
We are the fourth school tournament game RoboCup simulation document is on the hope that more support (2008-10-29, Unix_Linux, 1307KB, 下载36次)


[网络] 2ntp-dev-4.2.0b-20051231

网络时间协议NTP 源码 版本v4.2.0b 该源码用于linux平台下,提供网络校时服务。
Network Time Protocol NTP source version v4.2.0b the source code for linux platform to provide network services to schools. (2007-08-27, Unix_Linux, 2768KB, 下载15次)


[嵌入式/单片机/硬件编程] FreeBSD.6.x

本書將帶領讀者從基本的系統使用、網路伺服器架設、到深入系統管理所需的知識,並將筆者在管理公司及學校伺服器的經驗和讀者分享,期望對有心學習 FreeBSD 的使用者有所助益。
this book will lead the reader from the basic system, network servers erected, of the system required for the management of in-depth knowledge, and the author of the management company and the school's server to share experiences and the readers, hope to those who wish to learn FreeBSD users benefit. (2007-03-08, Unix_Linux, 4334KB, 下载5次)


[VHDL/FPGA/Verilog] clockv

use Verilog language prepared by the digital clock procedures. Schools are slow, quick school, alarm clock functions. (2006-06-02, Unix_Linux, 5KB, 下载47次)


[界面编程] 无忧私服家族官方网站

让VB使用彩色及动画光标的方.. 建立浮动工具栏的例程 推荐教程 图象的随机载入 读取文件内容...电子教务系统 V1.0.0 (1) 2005-9-10 检测是否网络连接 2005-9-10 优化技术 更多 函数名巧做局部变量 2005-9-...
let VB using color and animation cursor to the side .. establish a floating toolbar routines recommend Directory contains images of random to read the contents of the documents into electronic educational system ... V1.0.0 (1) 2005-9-10 test network connecting 2005-9-10 optimization technology function more skillfully done-... read local variables 2005-9 (2006-02-19, Unix_Linux, 2798KB, 下载5次)


[其他书籍] linux下面使用usb摄像头开发图像采集

This is my own collection of linux skills into the school, the specific details of all his duties with his club, especially on image processing! (2005-12-03, Unix_Linux, 10KB, 下载770次)


[电子书籍] FC2_LINUX

学习linux桌面环境的好资料,图解 Fedora Core 2 桌面调校,非常生动的图片讲解,让你轻松学好linux的各种配置操作过程.
learning environment of good information, diagrams Fedora Core 2 desktop adjusted very vivid pictures on and let you easily learn the various Linux distribution operation. (2005-11-07, Unix_Linux, 45097KB, 下载17次)


[嵌入式Linux] 触摸屏校准方法

touch screen calibration method for embedded Linux use (2005-04-20, Unix_Linux, 92KB, 下载343次)
