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[WEB开发] Portfolio-Website

This repository consists a code for my portfolio website, where I share all about my learning journey. You ll find details about my school projects, the skills I ve learned, and some of my achievements. Take a look around to get to know me better, and feel free to reach out if you want to chat. (2023-09-06, HTML, 0KB, 下载0次)


[WEB开发] 无忧网才

超文本标记语言(Hyper Text Markup Language),标准通用标记语言下的一个应用。HTML 不是一种编程语言,而是一种标记语言 (markup language),是网页制作所必备的。“超文本”就是指页面内可以包含图片、链接,甚至音乐、程序等非文字元素。超文本标记语言(或超文本标签语言)的结构包括“头”部分、和“主体”部分,其中“头”部提供关于网页的信息,“主体”部分提供网页的具体内容。
Hyper Text Markup Language (HTML), an application under the standard Universal Markup Language (GML). HTML is not a programming language, but a markup language, which is necessary for web page making. "Hypertext" means that the page can contain non-text elements such as pictures, links, even music, programs and so on. The structure of Hypertext Markup Language (or Hypertext Label Language) includes "Header" and "Subject", where "Header" provides information about web pages and "Subject" provides specific content of web pages. (2019-07-14, HTML, 587KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] pigo_mini

PIGO_mini_1.1新增功能 1、优化了采集核心,现在能采集更多的内容了。并且过滤掉很多无用的信息。 如果baidu改了写法,PHP原创社区会第一时间发布新的采集核心,让您采集无忧。
1 PIGO_mini_1.1 new features to optimize the core collection, are now able to collect more content. And filter out a lot of useless information. If baidu changed wording, PHP community will be the first time the original post new core collection, allows you to capture mind. (2016-10-25, HTML, 91KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] diy-page_6

最专业的论坛CMS,体积小巧 ◎ 可修改帖子标题/简介/缩图,可承受千万以上帖子 ◎ 帖子生成静态功能 ◎ 完整的CMS功能,内置视频/音乐/下载/商品/分类信息等模型 ◎ 支持UC整合,一个账号全站通用 ◎ 调用UCHome的日志、相册、空间、群组等 ◎ 模板可视化在线修改 ◎ 自动采集,内容更新无忧
The most professional forum CMS, compact ◎ can modify the post title/profile/thumbnail, can withstand more than 10 million posts ◎ post static function generation ◎ complete CMS function, built-in video/music/download/goods/classified information model ◎ Support UC integration, an account of the station general ◎ call UCHome log, album, space, group, etc. ◎ template visualization online modification ◎ automatic collection, content updates worry-free (2016-10-05, HTML, 827KB, 下载1次)



强大的技术保障 系统由双方技术团队强强联合,倾力打造,进一步拓展社区价值。 PHPWind技术平台为用户提供可持续性技术保障,完美无忧。多样化的风格改造,为用户提供非凡体验。
Depth, practical and efficient integration of two strong PHPWind forum system has been insisting efficient, safe, stable and easy to use principle, by virtue of its extraordinary access speed, excellent load capacity, the majority of users of love, to become the industry leader B (2016-08-17, HTML, 2802KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] shentiwuyou75

身体无忧网修正版 先修改 require/myconfig.php 中的相关配置 然后运行 update.php 更新整站的信息,生成部分数据 然后就可以访问了
Body Worry network revision to modify require/myconfig.php relevant configuration information and run update.php to update the whole station to generate some data can then be accessed (2016-07-02, HTML, 52KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] html5-happy-loader

html5 circling effect (2014-09-05, HTML, 8KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] login-and-register

Recruitment website effects produced ... (login and registration page) (2012-12-29, HTML, 119KB, 下载24次)


[WEB开发] stk1

强大的会员管理功能: 无限用户组添加功能、站内短信功能、消费查询功能、点卡在线充值功能,会员可设置为扣点会员、有效期会员和、无限期会员。 集成财付通、网银在线、易付通、云网支付、支付宝、快钱支付、中国在线支付网、西部支付、上海环迅9个在线支付平台接口,让你收费无忧。 可手批量设置文件的浏览权限,可将浏览权限精确到每个频道/每个栏目/每篇文章,让不同的会员享受不同的文章浏览权限,且可将每篇文章设置浏览点数,让网站更便于会员收费的管理。
KRCMS Stock V2009.05.10 SP2 (2009-10-10, HTML, 7721KB, 下载37次)


[WEB开发] popgo

POPO Meihuaban worry Mall, super-pretty site template, the background to do with ACCCESS. (2009-06-10, HTML, 726KB, 下载5次)


[WEB开发] blog-source

blog群发王源代码 软件介绍: 国内首款也是唯一支持验证码识别的群发BLOG(博客)的软件 全球首款采用极限编程技术的博客群发软件,占CPU极少,可自设 线程发布,速度飞快,成功率高~~WEB2.0时代,群发领域第一品牌。 独创智能搜索技术,可以设置关键词搜索互联网上最新博客地 址并添加发布,从此高枕无忧!(软件内置10万海量博客地址) SEO最新利器, 搜索引擎“新宠”,迅速提升网站排名,轻松搞 定搜索引擎首页左侧排名!让您在第一时间抢占商机!
blog software code introduced : the first is the only domestic support certification of mass identification code BLOG (blog), the world's first software programming technology limits the mass blog software, or very little CPU can be set up threads from publishing, fast, high success rate ~ ~ WEB2. 0 times, the field of the first mass brand. Innovative Intelligent Search Technology, set the keyword search on the Internet blog address and the latest release added that henceforth all! (Software built 100,000 Massive blog address) latest weapon SEO, search engine, "the new darling", rapidly enhance website ranking place Mariners first search engine page left rankings! So the first time you seize opportunities! (2006-06-04, HTML, 11KB, 下载320次)
