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[WEB开发] zyfqywz_tyb_v2016.4.22

No sorrow in the numerous enterprise website with ASP+ ACCESS development, background in addition to add products and product classification can not use, with basic functions of information management, business information management, link management enterprise website. (2016-04-25, Visual Basic, 2386KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] wyasp_ty_v2016.04.15

Worry free shopping system based on asp+access was developed, with product display, shopping cart and other functions to generate orders, but also has a simple membership management system. (2016-04-19, Visual Basic, 3983KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] wyasp_zy_v2015.11.6

Worry free shopping system ASP professional edition, is a powerful, display information rich sales platform for business and personal ASP shopping system. It has perfect order management, sales statistics, clearing system. (2015-11-09, Visual Basic, 3957KB, 下载3次)


[WEB开发] kspm_v1.5.10

点石排名同时支持百度、搜狗、360排名提升,支持自然排名前100的关键词,真人挂机互点,真实IP,有效提升网站用户体验。   优点介绍:   1、软件可永久免费使用。   2、静默操作,不影响电脑正常使用。   3、占用内存极校   4、不断根据搜索引擎最新算法更新点击规则。   5、使用所有挂机用户真实IP点击,效果更佳!
Stone ranked at the same time support baidu, sogou, 360 ranking ascension, support the natural and the top 100 keywords, reality hang point, real IP, enhance the website user experience. Advantage is introduced: 1, the software can be used permanent free. 2, silent operation, does not affect the normal use of computers. 3, a memory 4, and constantly update click rules according to the latest search engine algorithm. 5, use all hang up the real IP click, the effect is much better! (2014-12-09, Visual Basic, 4586KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] waiguoyuxueyuanwangzhan

The source for the website of our College of Foreign Languages, Colleges, faculties dynamic, news, announcements and other modules, and I hope to share with everyone. (2013-04-05, Visual Basic, 10988KB, 下载3次)


[WEB开发] wireless_network_PDA_sourcecode

使用PDA via Wireless Netwok 建立大學校園資訊網站
The use of PDA via Wireless Netwok to build the university campus information website (2009-08-25, Visual Basic, 100KB, 下载3次)


[WEB开发] wireless_network_Server_souececode

Server 端使用visual Basic 開發實際應用於校園
Server-side development of practical applications using the visual Basic in School campus. (2009-08-25, Visual Basic, 172KB, 下载3次)
