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[金融证券系统] flea

根據觀察,台灣學生的校園物品交易頻繁,卻始終缺少一個以校園物品交易為主要設計考量的平台系統。本研究以Web2.0 時代下網路交易的特質為核心概念,包括消費者的參與性、多樣化內容、社群與多元化的溝通媒介,搭配社群網站的混搭(Mash up),以政大學生為目標對象,設計專屬政大學生的物品交易與交換平台—「政!大福利市集」。希望改善目前校園物品交易系統,以使用者為設計導向,建立不同於目前拍賣網站的主題交易平台;並透過線上店鋪的客製化佈置,個人風格展現的校園拍賣網站,結合facebook 提供的社交服務,提升平台社群互動與交流,滿足使用者線上消費過程的娛樂需求與體驗。 ,
According to observations, Taiwanese students frequently trade campus items, but there is always a lack of a platform system that focuses on campus item trading as the main design consideration. This study takes the characteristics of online transactions in the era of Web 2.0 as the core concept, including consumer participation, diverse content, communities, and diverse communication media, combined with a mashup of community websites, targeting political college students, and designing an exclusive platform for item trading and exchange - "Political! Big Welfare Market". I hope to improve the current campus item trading system, with a user oriented design, and establish a theme trading platform different from the current auction website; And through the customized layout of online stores, the campus auction website showcasing personal style, and the social services provided by Facebook, the platform enhances community interaction and communication, meeting the entertainment needs and (2013-05-16, PHP, 24704KB, 下载0次)
