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[教育系统应用] cPP

Course information management, school management system can be widely used in large full-time, primary and secondary schools and other types of schools on student achievement, curriculum changes in the integrated management and fast query. You can save the school management takes human and material resources, avoiding paper documents easily damaged and difficult to find other shortcomings. And can grasp the teacher information anytime, anywhere, more simple and straightforward information on this program statistics and management. Help to improve the overall education level of management of the school. (2016-04-13, Java, 1KB, 下载2次)


[教育系统应用] JXT

家校通 实现 老师学生 家长 之间的联系更加方便他们的关系融洽
Home-school teacher to achieve contact between parents easier rapport their (2015-10-26, Java, 1453KB, 下载9次)


[教育系统应用] student

学校工作总体规划由教务人员在学生学籍信息管理系统中完成对运行教务处所需的基本数据的维护,包括这些信息的增加、修改及对各项信息的变动都将在这进行操作。 新的学年,教务人员首先加入年级信息,然后编排班级,再对来校学生进行基本的信息录入,新生入学后由教务人员在学籍系统中完成新学生信息的维护。 在每个学期开始,教务处根据班级的情况,以班为单位,为每个班级安排一个班主任 , 并对各科老师进行安排。 每举行一次考试后由任课老师对本科的成绩进行录入。班主任对本班的成绩汇总。并进行排名。 教务处、班主任及任课老师跟据实际情况对录入的成绩进行维护,各位同学对以上录入的信息可以跟据自己的需要进行适当的查询。
School Master Plan by the academic staff to complete maintenance of the basic data needed to run the Office of Academic Affairs at the Student Information Management System, including increased information, modifications and changes to the information will be operated on this.           The new school year, academic staff added first grade information, and then arrange the class, and then to come to the school students basic information input, new students complete maintenance of the new student information system in school by teaching staff.           The beginning of each semester, depending on the circumstances of Academic Affairs class to class as a unit, to arrange a teacher for each class, and the teacher to arrange subjects.           By the instructor for undergraduate grades were held once after each entry exam. This class teacher on the results summary. And rank.           Dean, teacher an (2015-04-13, Java, 3345KB, 下载2次)


[教育系统应用] jspxiaoyuansusheguanli

1) 学生信息管理功能:主要是添加学号,姓名,性别,年龄,政治面貌,班级,登录帐号以及登录密码等属性,也可以删除不存在的学生。 2) 宿舍信息管理功能:主要是添加房间号,学生人数,学生班级和楼号等属性,也可以删除无用的宿舍信息。 3) 公告信息管理功能:设置学校的静校时间和熄灯时间。 4) 卫生检查信息功能:主要是录入卫生检查信息,查询卫生检查信息以及根据得分排名。 5) 保修审批功能:学生使用系统申报需要修的设备,管理员使用保修审批功能进行操作。 学生模块实现的功能有: 1) 保修模块:学生可以添加保修信息,并且查看我的保修。 2) 卫生排名信息:可以查看各宿舍卫生排名的信息。
Main is to add 1) student information management functions: student id, name, gender, age, political affiliation, class, the login account and password properties, students can also delete does not exist. 2) the dormitory information management functions: mainly to add room number, the number of students, students in the class and number of building property, also can delete the useless dormitory information. 3) announcement information management function: set the school non-static time and time to go to bed. 4) health check information function: mainly health check information of the input, query sanitary inspection information, and according to the score ranking. 5) warranty approval functions: students use declaration system need to repair equipment, administrators use guarantee function of examination and approval. Student module implements functions are: 1) maintenance module: students can add the warranty information, and check my warranty. 2) health ranking information: (2014-10-17, Java, 4726KB, 下载13次)


[教育系统应用] studentMS

This is my written in school student JSP system, full feature comparison (2014-06-20, Java, 538KB, 下载1次)


[教育系统应用] wq

Campus Academic Platform (2013-11-22, Java, 31KB, 下载1次)


[教育系统应用] yuandaima

学生课堂考勤系统,简单的用户信息:包括的数据项有:用户名、密码、用户描述。 ● 学生基本信息:包括的数据项有:学生学号、学生姓名、性别、出生日期、班号、联系电话、入校日期、家庭地址、备注等。 ● 班级信息:包括的数据项有:班号、所在年级、班主任姓名、所在教室等。 ● 课程基本信息:包括的数据项有:课程号、课程名称、课程类别、课程描述等。
Student classroom attendance system (2013-07-02, Java, 119KB, 下载11次)


[教育系统应用] xiaolidaima

Mainly to write about a school, school calendar, the content is relatively clear (2012-06-25, Java, 130KB, 下载7次)


[教育系统应用] zmz

Student management system for student registration, teacher' s query, the system of management schools issue (2011-11-28, Java, 18971KB, 下载2次)


[教育系统应用] chengji

Performance management will be changed by a single operator network operations office in the current muti particularly necessary under the circumstances. In this paper, modeled on a real project, discusses the JAVA platform to build an online performance-based management system design and implementation of tools To ensure the stable operation of the system. Given NETBEANS6.1 development environment based on a database connection pool configuration (2010-04-26, Java, 365KB, 下载4次)


[教育系统应用] DB_Buaa

Undergraduate teaching management system, which allows students to query, change the self-information, inquiry, registration for courses each semester, browse their results can also be used to track student learning progress, until its degree permit teachers inquiries, change of personal information, query their own courses to be taught permit each department to manage their own academic subjects students, teachers and curriculum permit the management of all schools of the Registrar Office of the curriculum, students and teachers. (2008-02-27, Java, 505KB, 下载68次)
