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[教育系统应用] 2

The school worry-free online examination system adopts Internet technology to quickly build an online examination system platform, which fully realizes the networking, paperless and automation of the examination work. The system is simple to operate and has many types of questions. It is widely used in online examinations, online examinations, online examinations, etc. in enterprises, institutions, schools, educational and training institutions. (2018-11-27, ASP, 752KB, 下载1次)


[教育系统应用] Xiao5u_Exam_v2.8

软件介绍 校无忧在线考试系统采用互联网技术,快速搭建在线考试系统平台,全面实现了考试工作的网络化、无纸化、自动化。系统操作简单,题型丰富,广泛用于企事业单位,学校教育培训机构等在线考试,网络考试,在线考核……
The online worry free online examination system adopts Internet technology, and quickly builds online examination system platform, which fully realizes the networking, paperless and automation of examination work. The system is easy to operate, rich in type, widely used in enterprises and institutions, school education and training institutions and other online examinations, network examination, online assessment... (2018-02-26, ASP, 1960KB, 下载3次)


[教育系统应用] Xiao5u_Exam_2.5

Worry school school website system is a primary and secondary school general website management system that uses a special website template for schools to enhance the relevance and usability of the system. Existing schools before, campus alerts, teaching and research, moral promenade, Education Code, teachers charisma, students paradise, interactive platform, contact information and other columns (2016-05-23, ASP, 1386KB, 下载2次)


[教育系统应用] Xiao5u_Query_2.0

Worry school admission inquiry system is a school for the convenience of candidates more quickly direct understanding admission inquiry information through the network system. (2016-05-21, ASP, 721KB, 下载1次)


[教育系统应用] Teacher_1.4

Worry school teacher uation system is set to improve the teaching quality of teachers, students voice feedback to improve the school educational administration management system. The uation results for the curriculum and teacher professional granted, intuitive statistical combined capabilities of each teacher. (2016-05-21, ASP, 874KB, 下载2次)


[教育系统应用] xxjhx

25175 school education integrated management system is a comprehensive modern management system: Basic includes [student management, student records management, payroll management teacher, teachers file management, device management schools, school attendance management, teachers teaching uation system, students growth management system ...] (2016-04-29, ASP, 792KB, 下载8次)


[教育系统应用] Stu2006

学生成长管理系统(单校版) 修正了上一版中网友提出的错误,加强了系统安全性
Student growth management system (single-school version) It fixes a bug in the previous version of the friends made to strengthen the security of the system (2016-04-06, ASP, 1555KB, 下载2次)


[教育系统应用] Xiao5u_Customer_1.3

chool Worry customer information management system is a simple customer information management system, customer-focused, scientific management and information technology together, to achieve unified management of customer information. (2015-10-20, ASP, 690KB, 下载6次)


[教育系统应用] Xiao5u_Customer_v1.2

School Worry customer information management system is a simple customer information management system, customer-focused, scientific management and information technology together, to achieve unified management of customer information. System applicable to enterprises, companies, education and training institutions, enterprises and institutions (2015-08-14, ASP, 697KB, 下载2次)


[教育系统应用] Exam_v2.3

this is xiaowuyou (2015-06-12, ASP, 1343KB, 下载5次)


[教育系统应用] Xiao5u_Exam

Worry school online examination system. Function well. Interface is very good and clear. (2014-10-28, ASP, 1341KB, 下载13次)


[教育系统应用] Exam_2.3

To build the platform of online examination system, the full realization of the network, the examination work of the paperless, automated. The system has the advantages of simple operation, rich in the kinds of questions, widely used in enterprises and institutions, school education and training institutions and other online exam, network examination, online examination (2014-10-02, ASP, 1344KB, 下载3次)


[教育系统应用] School_2.1

Secure the school website system is a set of primary school, general school web site management system, using a dedicated website template for schools, enhance the pertinence and usability of the system. Column in the existing school profiles, campus news, teaching, moral education, education law, teacher style promenade, students park, interactive platform, contact (2013-12-29, ASP, 2431KB, 下载5次)


[教育系统应用] exam

This system is examination system, can be used for students in the school as one of their own design software, reference filial piety. (2011-05-29, ASP, 1698KB, 下载3次)


[教育系统应用] wyExam_v1.0

校无忧在线考试系统采用互联网技术,快速搭建在线考试系统平台,全面实现了考试工作的网络化、无纸化、自动化。系统操作简单,题型丰富,广泛用于企事业单位,学校教育培训机构等在线考试,网络考试,在线考核…… 系统主要功能: 1、设置基本考试系统信息(开通/关闭考试等) 2、自动化提交试卷,智能判断学生是否重复提交 3、支持题型:选择题,判断题,填空题,问答题 4、试题库导入、导出功能 5、支持客观题自动阅卷,统计总分,并统计排名 6、生成成绩分析报表和打印功能 …… 系统使用 1) 在浏览器的地址栏中输入管理登录的页面地址:admin/login.asp。 2) 默认管理员:admin 密码:admin
Worry-free online examination system using school Internet technology, rapid build online exam system platform, the full realization of the examination of Networking, paperless, automated. System is simple, Questions rich, widely used in enterprises, schools, education and training institutions, online test, network test, online assessment ... ... (2011-05-11, ASP, 245KB, 下载17次)


[教育系统应用] 25175jxt

家校互动管理平台 家校互动平台,以互联网和移动通信为依托。促进家校互动,加快学校管理网络化进程。
Home-school home-school interaction management platform, an interactive platform to rely on the Internet and mobile communications. To promote home-school interaction, to speed up the process of school management network. (2010-03-01, ASP, 551KB, 下载30次)


[教育系统应用] Student_performance_management_system

?贸杉 ?管理系统面向??校 ??淌 | ???生???| 用于??生成??的录入 ??嗉 ?删除???????岷狭顺杉 ?的排名 ?统计??以???匝 ?生评论 ?软件下载 ???生家???淌 | 留言?| 能??是?惶 ???校可??入实际使用 ??咝??弦瞪??渭??弦德畚牡南低常 (2008-08-05, ASP, 181KB, 下载43次)


[教育系统应用] sdsdsdsdsd

Very good school online test analysis system, used in graduate design, the practical application of all good (2008-04-29, ASP, 2509KB, 下载31次)


[教育系统应用] xxgl

一、概述 1、项目背景:数据库原理课程设计 2、编写目的:掌握数据库设计原理及相关软件的使用 3、开发环境: 二、需求分析 1、 问题的提出:为了高效率的完成学生信息的管理,决定开发学生信息管理系统。 2、 需完成的功能: (1) 能录入、修改、查询、输出学生的档案信息,这些信息包括学生的基本情况、简历情况、获得奖励情况、受到处分情况、学生的家庭信息、学生的体检情况等。 (2) 能录入、修改、查询、输出学生的入校成绩、各学期各门课的成绩信息,并支持按年级、班级等条件的统计、查询、报表输出。
err (2008-01-05, ASP, 11KB, 下载42次)


[教育系统应用] 校综管

a campus integrated management systems, ASP source, basically something that schools are the Qi (2005-03-26, ASP, 7899KB, 下载172次)
