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按分类查找All 教育系统应用(26) 
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[教育系统应用] elevator

Simulation of a nine-school teaching building elevator system. Chronological display system status of the change process, which occurred in the elevator and all the action sequences (2016-04-11, Visual C++, 1275KB, 下载5次)


[教育系统应用] PrivateSubText1

yundonghui (2016-02-29, Visual C++, 5KB, 下载1次)


[教育系统应用] XSGL

With the major institutions enrollment, increasing the number of students, student management has become a top priority in school management. The system implements the following functions: student information into student achievement level entry program providing students with illegal handling student achievement student achievement ranking students information searching, printing, after modification, you can run! Welcome! (2013-06-26, Visual C++, 8171KB, 下载1次)


[教育系统应用] zhiarchive

Rui Chi teacher records management system, teachers file system can be a detailed entry and management schools each teacher' s profile information (2013-05-23, Visual C++, 918KB, 下载5次)


[教育系统应用] ZhiArchive_v3.3.0

Chi Rui teachers file management system, teachers file system can be a detailed entry and management of schools, each teacher file information (2013-04-27, Visual C++, 917KB, 下载5次)


[教育系统应用] Pkebiaopaiker

Previously downloaded from the Internet a better Course Scheduling System, Course Scheduling System " parallel backtracking algorithm, simply set good basic school information and arranging the constraints, the remaining things from the computer to complete. Courses fully automated (can also be manually arrangements) can be adjusted after row, using a random arrangement with arranging fast, high accuracy, good results, and can automatically calculate the workload of teachers and a variety of formats class, the teacher, the output of the whole school curriculum. Key features include: curriculum management (new, open, delete Timetable), the basic settings (grades, classes, teachers, curriculum) (2012-09-09, Visual C++, 1101KB, 下载39次)


[教育系统应用] schalor

某校的惯例是在每学期的期末考试之后发放奖学金。发放的奖学金共有五种,获取的条件各自不同: • 1) 院士奖学金,每人8000元,期末平均成绩高于80分(>80),并且在本学期内发表1篇或1篇以上论文的学生均可获得; • 2) 五四奖学金,每人4000元,期末平均成绩高于85分(>85),并且班级评议成绩高于80分(>80)的学生均可获得; • 3) 成绩优秀奖,每人2000元,期末平均成绩高于90分(>90)的学生均可获得;
The practice of a school scholarships after each semester' s final exam. There are five of the awards, their different access conditions: • 1) Fellow of scholarship of 8000 yuan per person, the end of grade point average higher than 80 points (80), and one or more than one paper during the semester students will be awarded • 2) fifty-four Scholarship, 4000 yuan per person, the end of grade point average above 85 points (> 85), and class council scored higher than 80 points (> 80), students will be awarded • 3) results Excellence Award, 2000 yuan per person, and the end of grade point average higher than 90 points (> 90), students will be awarded (2012-07-27, Visual C++, 1KB, 下载6次)


[教育系统应用] autostumis

上个星期,经过朋友的介绍,接了一个小业务,就是为电力汽校写个简单的不能再简单的学员管理系统。其主要功能是学员记录的新建,修改,删除,学员考试上车时间的安排。该软件功能简单,主要使用到了ODBC数据库,Windows 标准控制等等基本的编程元素。非常适合初学者练习和参考,现在把它共享出来给大家,希望能跟大家更多的进行交流!
Last week, after the introduction of a friend, pick up a small business, write a simple no longer a simple student management system is to power steam school. Its main function is a new student record, modify, delete, students exam time arrangement of the car. The software features simple, the main use ODBC databases, Windows standard control basic programming elements. Very suitable for beginners to practice and reference, and share it out to everyone, hope u guys more exchanges! (2012-07-12, Visual C++, 196KB, 下载2次)


[教育系统应用] pk

This software is mainly to achieve student result of systematic management, must first to students the basic information input, secondly can read finds that students of relevant information, then can delete and insert student s course, and it is also may according to the student id inquires the student the student id and, in accordance with the relevant information of the overall average height calculate the sorting, still can inquires relevant information, such as class class number of male and female students and the corresponding class total average total number and total average. And the school of relevant information, such as the number of male and female students, undergraduate college graduate toll. Upgrade Thus to systematic management and achieve student achievement, the purpose of simple operation. (2011-05-25, Visual C++, 5KB, 下载3次)


[教育系统应用] 11

3. 学生运动会成绩数据库 功能: 学生运动会成绩数据库系统记录某校运动会上全部运动项目,各系获得的分数及排名的情况,包括50、100、200,400,1500米,跳高,跳远,标枪,铅球铁饼等。进入系统后可以输入和修改某个项目的结果情况,可以按各系院编号输出总分;按总分排序;按男团体总分排序 ;按系院编号查询;按项目编号查询;按女团体总分排序。 分步实施: 1) 初步完成总体设计,搭好框架,确定人机对话的界面,确定函数个数; 2) 完成最低要求:建立一个文件,包括某个系,5个项目的得分情况,能对文件中的信息进行扩充(追加),修改和删除; 3) 进一步要求:完成对多个系,多个项目的得分排序,以及完成系统查询功能。有兴趣的同学可以自己扩充系统功能。 键盘输入:系院数目,男子项目数女子项目数,(每项目取前三名,分别为10,5,2分)
student sporting (2010-07-03, Visual C++, 1KB, 下载3次)


[教育系统应用] u

定义一个大学生类Graduate,私有数据成员:姓名,学号,校名,并为它定义带参数的构造函数、拷贝构造函数、析构函数和输出数据成员值的print( )公有成员函数,另定义研究生类Postgraduate,它以公有继承方式派生于类Graduate,新增加“研究方向、导师名”两个私有数据成员,并定义带参数的构造函数,拷贝构造函数、析构函数和输出研究生数据的print( )公有成员函数,另外,要求学号自动增加,且Graduate和Postgraduate的学号起始值不同。在主函数中定义派生类对象进行测试。
Definition of a college class Graduate, private data members: name, student number, school name, and define parameters for its constructor, copy constructor, destructor and member of the value of the output data print () public member function, the other definitions Graduate Class of Postgraduate, it to public inheritance derived class Graduate, additional " research, teachers were" two private data members, and define the parameters of the constructor, copy constructor, destructor and output data of the print graduate () public member function In addition, student number required automatic increases, and the Graduate and Postgraduate initial value of learning different number. Defined in the main function to test the derived class object. (2010-06-14, Visual C++, 9KB, 下载9次)


[教育系统应用] StudentmanageSystem

随着各大院校的扩招,学生数量不断增加,学生管理成为学校管理中的重中之重。传统的学生管理方法,就学生的个人的自然情况出发,对其进行管理,但是,这种方法不但效率低,而且还要耗费大量的人力,已经不能满足各大院校的学生管理要求。 提高学生管理的管理水平,优化资源,尽可能地降低学校的管理成本,成为学生管理的新课题。学生管理系统是从学生管理的现状出发,根据学生管理的新要求进行开发设计的,它解决了学生管理中数据信息量大,修改不方便,对一系列数据进行统计与分析花费时间长等问题,帮助学生管理人员有效管理学生信息,成为高校管理中必不可少的管理工具。 本系统主要实现了以下功能:  学生信息录入  学生成绩录入  程序等级设置  学生违规处理  学生成绩排行  学生信息查询  学生成绩查询、打印
无 (2010-04-24, Visual C++, 7995KB, 下载4次)


[教育系统应用] NoColorWin2

School management system, function is very simple to learn to use (2010-04-08, Visual C++, 60KB, 下载2次)


[教育系统应用] 2

定义一个大学生类Graduate,保护数据成员:姓名,学号,校名,并为它定义带参数的构造函数、拷贝构造函数、析构函数和输出数据成员值的print( )公有成员函数,另定义研究生类Postgraduate,它以公有继承方式派生于类Graduate,新增加“研究方向、导师名”两个私有数据成员,并定义带参数的构造函数,拷贝构造函数、析构函数和输出研究生数据的print( )公有成员函数,另外,要求学号自动增加,且Graduate和Postgraduate的学号起始值不同。在主函数中定义派生类对象进行测试。(字符串用char*表示)
Students define a category of Graduate, the protection of data members: name, school number, school name, and with the definition of parameters for its constructor, copy constructor, destructor and member of the value of output data print () public member functions, and the other definition of Graduate Class of Postgraduate, it derived from the public inheritance category Graduate, a new " research, mentor of the" two private data members, and define the parameters with the constructor, copy constructor, destructor, and print data output Graduate () public member function In addition, the request automatically increase its school, and Graduate and Postgraduate Student of the different start value. In the main function defined in derived class object to be tested. (Char* string with that) (2009-06-26, Visual C++, 1KB, 下载1次)


[教育系统应用] StudentManagement

学生信息管理系统 (1). 学生学籍管理,录入、修改、查询、输出学生学籍信息,这些信息包括学生奖贷学金情况、学生注册、学生异动情况、学生军训情况、学生毕业情况。 (2). 学生成绩管理,录入修改、查询、输出学生入校成绩,各学期、各门课程的成绩信息,并支持按年级、班级等条件的统计、查询、报表输出。 (3). 学生档案的管理,即录入、修改、查询、输出学生档案信息,这些信息包括学生基本情况、学生简历情况、学生奖励情况、学生处分情况、学生家庭信息、学生体检情况。
student management system (2009-05-24, Visual C++, 415KB, 下载5次)


[教育系统应用] lianbiaoxuesheng

Students score management system, the Writing list, after testing, are at my original School of Writing (2009-03-24, Visual C++, 3KB, 下载2次)


[教育系统应用] highschoolmanager

本系统面向学校管理员,即直接使用者。 本系统主要用于学校管理员管理学校教职工的基本信息,包括增加、修改、删除在校教职工的基本信息,设有浏览全体职工基本资料的功能,同时可以通过不同类查询具体职工的详细资料。还可以计算部分职工的工资。
the system for school administrators, that is, direct users. The system is mainly used for school administrators to manage staff of the basic information, including add, modify, delete the school staff in the basic information, all workers have the basic browser function information, while inquiries through various specific categories of workers detailed information. Also can calculate the wages of some workers. (2006-06-16, Visual C++, 693KB, 下载14次)


[教育系统应用] 酒店餐饮管理vc++

I graduated design school in 2005 was outstanding graduate design called the detailed design idea (2005-12-12, Visual C++, 6147KB, 下载852次)


[教育系统应用] 计分程序

由我为校教务处自主开发的竞赛计分软件。 该软件由“比赛信息管理”、“裁判信息管理”、“选手信息管理”、“比赛计分排序”等几个模块组成。基于MFC技术,操作Access数据库,并可将比赛结果输出到Excel。
by my school to the office of independent development of software competition points. The software from "Competition information management", "information management magistrate", "information management players", "Competition points sequencing" composed of several modules. MFC-based technical, operational Access database, results of the competition could be exported to Excel. (2005-11-16, Visual C++, 30KB, 下载74次)


[教育系统应用] 教职工信息管理系统

one for the management of the staff of a school management system, relatively simple, but practical. (2005-06-14, Visual C++, 1871KB, 下载45次)
