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[教育系统应用] ap-ma-sy

随着计算机信息技术的发展和进步,我们的社会已逐步向数字化、信息化、网络化迈进。学校作为发展的先驱,已经普遍使用计算机系统来进行各个部门的管理工作。学生公寓管理信息系统的主要功能特色有: 1.各基础信息管理:包括了校区、公寓、专业、学生等相关基础信息的管理,方便系统管理。 2.来访人员日常行为管理:包括来访人员资料调查、统计及信息共享与传递。 3.强大的查询功能:可以单独查询任意学生、任意时点的来访人员资料,也可单独查询任意房间、任意宿舍楼等。
随着计算机信息技术的发展和进步,我们的社会已逐步向数字化、信息化、网络化迈进。学校作为发展的先驱,已经普遍使用计算机系统来进行各个部门的管理工作。学生公寓管理信息系统的主要功能特色有: 1.各基础信息管理:包括了校区、公寓、专业、学生等相关基础信息的管理,方便系统管理。 2.来访人员日常行为管理:包括来访人员资料调查、统计及信息共享与传递。 3.强大的查询功能:可以单独查询任意学生、任意时点的来访人员资料,也可单独查询任意房间、任意宿舍楼等。 (2013-05-05, Visual Basic, 7KB, 下载1次)


[教育系统应用] FenBan

YanJi Sunny FenClass (2012-06-04, Visual Basic, 26825KB, 下载18次)


[教育系统应用] wendang

Course management system is one of the major educational administration, system development courses designed to manage basic information about the school and arrange courses for each class and class time and school classrooms, the management of the course test scores and examination results can be realized query and statistics. Use of the system objects, including Office of Academic Affairs staff, school faculty leaders, class teachers, teachers. (2011-05-23, Visual Basic, 23KB, 下载3次)


[教育系统应用] xuexiaojiaocaidinggouxitong

School materials ordering system online ordering system teaching materials teaching materials ordering system (2011-01-05, Visual Basic, 125KB, 下载8次)


[教育系统应用] ISchool_Teaching_Material

The development of the materials management system is to better manage the school s all kinds of materials, materials management personnel to facilitate stapler and receive books, check their inventory of teaching materials. Materials information management to enable systematic, standardized, automated so as to improve materials management efficiency. (2009-12-13, Visual Basic, 290KB, 下载5次)


[教育系统应用] Sourcecode

学生信息管理系统。对于学生信息,各班的班主任及学校领导由于各种分类和了解的需要,经常性地进行各种查询。例如:查询一个班级中团员的人数,男、女生的人数,住宿或通宿学生的人数等等。教导处在每一届学生进校时必须进行分班,设置学号;每一届学生毕业,要进行学生信息备份; 对于成绩管理,课任教师要进行本科目成绩登记,计算平均分、优秀率、及格率;班主任在期中考试和期末考试后计算本班学生总分,排名次;教导处要统计补考学生人数及相应名单,每学期进行学生成绩备份;学校领导则可通过查询工具来了解学生成绩情况。 对于课程信息,教导处每学期要进行课程安排、课任教师分配、一周课程安排、中途课程调整等等。
Student information management system. Information for students, class teachers and school leaders because of the various classification and know the needs of a variety of regular inquiries. For example: query a number of class members, boys and girls have the number of residential accommodation or pass the number of students and so on.教导处students at every school placement must be carried out, set up its study each session, graduate students, it is necessary to carry out student information to back up For performance management, class teachers to carry out any of the subjects grade registration, calculation of average hours, excellent rates, passing rates class at mid-term exams and final exam scores of students after the completion Bin, ranked second 教导处statistical make-up to the number of students and the corresponding list of students each semester to score back-up School Leaders can know through the query tool to score the situation of students. For course information,教导处ea (2009-03-07, Visual Basic, 1150KB, 下载68次)


[教育系统应用] vbxueshengguanlixitong

这是一个学生信息管理系统,能完成的功能: (1)能录入、修改、查询、输出学生的档案信息,这些信息包括学生的基本情况、简历情况、获得奖励情况、受到处分情况、学生的家庭信息、学生的体检情况等。 (2) 能录入、修改、查询、输出学生的入校成绩、各学期各门课的成绩信息,并支持按年级、班级等条件的统计、查询、报表输出。
This is a student information management system, the completion of functions : (a) to logging, modifying, querying, students output file information, which includes the basic situation of the students, curriculum vitae, received awards. disciplinary action, the families of students, and students of medical conditions. (2) Input can be amended, query, the output of the students entering the school accomplishments, the class of the semester results information and support on the level, classes conditions statistics, query, report output. (2006-04-29, Visual Basic, 426KB, 下载95次)


[教育系统应用] LibAdmin

1 spent on schools and commercial library management programs, like about the function (2006-03-28, Visual Basic, 4893KB, 下载242次)
