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[企业管理] JIXIAO

VB to do an auto-split performance school program, according to company performance data for some indicators assessment scoring (2013-09-18, Visual Basic, 778KB, 下载3次)


[企业管理] TeachMgrv1.0

一个能够有效管理教师(含家庭人口)的住房信息系统(含信息的添加、修改、删除等),进而能够在学校有房源时,为申请入住新房的教师进行有效的业绩测评,择优分配相应的住房,同时能实现人性化,交互式的分房功能,以及更新原始的住房纪录,从而使得原本靠人工不可能很好实现的功能现在只需轻松点击鼠标即可轻松“搞定”,有效地节约了人力和财力。对走在信息技术发展前沿的高等院校来说,无疑是一个很好的选择。 本程序曾获校园程序设计大赛一等奖,包含源代码、安装文件、项目文档及帮助文档。
Effective management of a teacher (including family) housing information systems (including information to add, modify, delete, etc.), and then be able to have houses in the school when the teachers who apply for admission to a new house to carry out effective performance appraisal, merit-based allocation of the corresponding housing, at the same time to achieve user-friendly, interactive features of the housing distribution, as well as to update the original record of the housing so that the original manual on the function can not be good now can easily click the mouse you can easily "get", effectively saving human and financial resources. On the development of information technology at the forefront of institutions of higher learning is no doubt a very good choice. This procedure has been first prize Campus Programming Contest, including source code, installation files, project documentation and help files. (2009-05-22, Visual Basic, 755KB, 下载11次)
