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[网络编程] tryNTPsrv

Can be used to test NTP server, NTP returns on analysis of available time format, for programming the automatic correction (2014-01-12, Visual Basic, 5KB, 下载1次)


[网络编程] time

Granted according to the network server when free school for the local machine, multi-point school. (2013-07-12, Visual Basic, 5KB, 下载3次)


[网络编程] msmir.com_asp_light

使用前请先修改参数,使用17577版本可使用默认设置 name="无忧传奇" 显示服务器名称 dizhi="http://www.msmir.net/zt/" 灯图片所在地址(最后要加正斜线) mulu1="D:\MirServer\Mud2\LogSrv\CountLog\" 在线人数文件目录 wenjian2="D:\MirServer\Mir200\!Setup.txt" 最大在线人数文件 maxonline=500 如果此参数为0则最大在线人数以文件为准,否则以此参数为准 lvdeng=0.3 绿灯显示比率,例最大在线人数为500,取值为0.3的话,在150人以下为绿灯 huangdeng=0.5 黄灯显示比率
Before use to modify the parameters, using the 17577 version can use the default settings the name = " worry Legend ' server name dizhi =" http://www.msmir.net/zt/ " ' light pictures where the address (the last to add forward slash) mulu1 = " D: \ MirServer \ Mud2 \ LogSrv \ CountLog \" ' Online file directory wenjian2 = " D: \ MirServer \ Mir200 \! the Setup.txt' online file maxonline = 500 ' If this parameters for the 0 largest online document shall prevail Otherwise, this parameter shall prevail lvdeng = 0.3 ' green light that indicates the ratio of the number of cases of the largest online was 500, the value of 0.3, below 150 for the green huangdeng = 0.5' yellow Light display ratio (2012-06-05, Visual Basic, 6KB, 下载8次)


[网络编程] 20058299446633

Mini timing device, it can be the computer through the Internet to local time proofing tools. (2011-05-10, Visual Basic, 133KB, 下载5次)
