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[单片机开发] STM32_7022E

This source is the use STM32 operating ATT7022E, and a simple example of the basic reading communication parameters. STM32 using R8T6, metering chip is ATT7022E. Analog SPI routines to manipulate ATT7022E, register operations inside the initialization, school tables are made in accordance ATT7022E user manuals and application notes for the latest register. I hope this example will bring help to use the chip to make electricity meters. (2014-03-30, C/C++, 196KB, 下载619次)


[单片机开发] Cremote

51 infrared remote control microcontroller to accept the C language source code that can be applied to TV remote control (2007-06-06, WORD, 3KB, 下载458次)


[单片机开发] MC9S08DZ60_CN_DEMO

HCS08 series microcontroller includes programming examples, such as ADC, CAN, PWM, SPI, SCI, include all general application, and development of worry-free (2009-10-28, C/C++, 3602KB, 下载452次)


[单片机开发] ATT7022b

c ATT7022C software,based on C8050F020 microcontroller,debugged, and now share (2010-11-08, C/C++, 5KB, 下载392次)


[单片机开发] RN8302B

Which involves the use of LCD driver chips bu9792, i2c, spi protocol chip use. And contains RN8302B official program and schematic, chip manuals, application notes chip. (2016-01-20, C/C++, 5576KB, 下载315次)


[单片机开发] CLOCK

51 single-chip digital clock procedures, output hours, minutes and seconds displayed on the digital tube, and adjust keys. (2008-01-11, Asm, 2KB, 下载241次)


[单片机开发] ATT7022B-Aplication

A measurement of notebook chips, including hardware circuitry and software methods introduce school table! (2008-03-10, Others, 986KB, 下载230次)


[单片机开发] shuzizhongsheji

多功能数字钟设计 一、设计任务: (一)主体功能 用HDL设计一个多功能数字钟,包含以下主要功能: 1.计时及校时,时间可以24小时制或12小时制显示 2.日历:显示年月日星期,及设定设定功能 3.跑表:启动/停止/保持显示/清除 4.闹钟:设定闹钟时间,整点提示
multifunctional design of a digital clock, design tasks : (1) the main function of HDL design with a multi-function digital clock, includes the following main functions : 1. metering and school, time can be 24 hours or 12 two-hour show. Calendar : Displays date weeks, Setting function and 3. stopwatch : start/stop/maintain Display/4 clearance. alarm clocks : Set an alarm time. suggested the whole point (2007-07-06, WORD, 304KB, 下载182次)


[单片机开发] diantimonixitong

[问题描述] 设计一个电梯模拟系统。这是一个离散的模拟程序,因为电梯系统是乘客和电梯等 “活动体”构成的集合,虽然他们彼此交互作用,但他们的行为是基本独立的。在离散的模拟中,以模拟时钟决定每个活动体的动作发生的时刻和顺序.系统在某个模拟瞬间处理有待完成的各种事情,然后把模拟时钟推进到某个动作预定要发生的下一个时刻。 [基本要求] (1) 模拟某校五层教学楼的电梯系统。该楼有一个自动电梯,能在每层停留。五个楼层由下至上依次称为地下层、第一层、第二层、第三层和第四层,其个第一层是大楼的进出层,即是电梯的“本垒层”,电梯“空闲”时,将来到该层候命。 (2) 乘客可随机地进出于任何层。对每个入来说,他有一个能容忍的最长等待时间,一旦等候电梯时间过长,他将放弃。 (3) 模拟时钟从0开始,时间单位为0.1秒。人和电梯的各种动作均要耗费一定的时间单位(简记为t),比如: 有人进出时,电梯每隔40t测试一次,若无人进出,则关门。 关门和开门各需要20t 每个人进出电梯均需要25t 如果电梯在某层静止时间超过300t,则驶回1层候命。 (4) 按时序显示系统状态的变化过程:发生的全部人和电梯的动作序列。
[Problem description : design an elevator simulation system. This is a discrete simulation program, because the lift system for passengers and elevators "body" form of assembly, Although the interaction between them, but their behavior is a basic independent. The discrete simulation, simulation clock to decide on the activities of each of the action takes time and sequence. A simulation system in an instant to be done to deal with the matter, then analog clock advance to a certain action is scheduled to take place the next time. [Basic requirements] (1) simulation of a school teaching floor of the five-story elevator system. Even with an escalator, will stay in the library. Five floors from the bottom to the lower deck were called, the first-, second-, third- and fourth layer, i (2006-05-25, Visual C++, 48KB, 下载157次)


[单片机开发] ATT7022B

一款计量芯片的应用笔记,包括外围电路说明和软件校表方法介绍! (2008-03-10, Others, 986KB, 下载155次)


[单片机开发] ActivePower

Att7022 Atmega16 measured using microarray microcontroller and active, detailed calibration process, this procedure can be developed on the basis of more features (2011-04-21, Visual C++, 741KB, 下载142次)


[单片机开发] AdjustMeter8209

8209 MCU (2014-11-03, C#, 4802KB, 下载139次)


[单片机开发] rn8209d

STM32 for the rn8209d DC meter application drive, including the meter reading table process, parameter saving and power out! (2018-03-09, C/C++, 6KB, 下载135次)


[单片机开发] ZLG7289

ZGL7289全套中文资料+实例 ZLG7289B是广州周立功单片机发展有限公司自行设计的,具有SPI串行接口功能的可同时驱动8位共阴式数码管(或64只独立LED)的智能显示驱动芯片,该芯片同时还可连接多达64键的键盘矩阵,单片即可完成LED显示﹑键盘接口的全部功能,该芯片经过了多年的验证,现正式转化为ASIC芯片,一次性流片成功,让您使用无忧!。ZLG7289B内部含有译码器,可直接接受BCD码或16进制码,并同时具有2种译码方式,此外,还具有多种控制指令,如消隐﹑闪烁﹑左移﹑右移﹑段寻址等。ZLG7289B具有片选信号,可方便地实现多于8位的显示或多于64键的键盘接口。
Notes : Dimens ions D and E 1 do not include mold flash or protrus ions . Mold flash or protrus ions shall not exceed .010” ( 0.254mm) per s ide. J E DE C E quivalent: MO-011 Drawing No. C04-079 (2009-05-17, Visual C++, 1042KB, 下载133次)


[单片机开发] thefrequencymeterdesign

简易数字频率计题解.( 1997年 B 题 ) 编写与讲解人:田良(东南大学无线电系,2003年3月12日) 一)任务 设计并制作一台数字显示的简易频率计。 (二)要求 1.基本要求 (1)频率测量 a.测量范围 信号:方波、正弦波 幅度:0.5V~5V[注] 频率:1Hz~1MHz b.测试误差≤0.1% (2)周期测量 a.测量范围 信号:方波、正弦波 幅度:0.5V~5V[注] 频率:1Hz~1MHz b.测试误差≤0.1% 3) 脉冲宽度测量 a.测量范围 信号:脉冲波 幅度:0.5V~5V[注] 脉冲宽度≥100μs b.测试误差≤0.1% (4)显示器 十进制数字显示,显示刷新时间1~10秒 连续可调,对上述三种测量功能分别采用不同颜色的 发光二极管指示。 (5)具有自校功能,时标信号频率为1MHz。 (6)自行设计并制作满足本设计任务要求的稳压电源 (2008-05-05, Asm, 348KB, 下载129次)


[单片机开发] digtalclk

用Altera公司的QuartusII编写的电子钟程序,可以下载至开发板,实现一个智能数字钟功能,计时,校时,闹钟,跑表等功能,也可用于学习verilog HDL语言与数字逻辑
Using Altera s QuartusII procedures for the preparation of electronic bell, you can download to a development board, the realization of an intelligent digital clock function, time, school time, alarm clock, stopwatch functions can also be used to study verilog HDL language and digital logic (2007-12-20, Others, 2045KB, 下载128次)


[单片机开发] shuzi

Design a digital circuit, on the hours, minutes, seconds. Figures show that the timing device, 24-hour period, indicating full scale is 23:59:59 and the time with school functions and timekeeping functions of digital electronic clock. Scale integrated circuits used in the main circuit. The design of this system by the pulse logic circuit module, clock module, the clock display circuit decoding module, when the entire cable module, the campus module components. Using a battery powered, low-power chips and liquid crystal display generator using a quartz crystal oscillator, count of CD4060 oscillator and two D flip-flop 74LS74, two-decimal counter synchronous counter 74LS160, latch decoder is the 74LS248, the whole When telegraph circuits 74LS74, 74LS32 and loudspeaker (2010-06-13, Others, 439KB, 下载125次)


[单片机开发] shuzhizhong_kechengsheji

中南大学数字电子技术课程设计--数字钟的设计 一.设计目的 1. 进一步掌握各芯片的逻辑功能及使用方法。 2. 进一步掌握数字钟的设计方法和和计数器相互级联的方法。 3. 进一步掌握数字系统的设计和数字系统功能的测试方法。 4. 进一步掌握数字系统的制作和布线方法。 二.设计要求 1.设计指标  数字钟具有显示时、分、秒的功能;  有校时功能,可以分别对时及分进行单独校时,使其校正到标准时间;  计时过程具有报时功能,当时间到达整点前10秒进行蜂鸣报时,报时声音四低一高;  并且要求走时准确。 2.设计要求  画出电路原理图(或仿真电路图);  元器件及参数选择,有相关原器件清单; 3.制作要求 自行装配和调试,并能发现问题和解决问题。 4.编写设计报告 写出设计与制作的全过程,附上有关资料和图纸,有心得体会。
err (2008-01-17, WORD, 156KB, 下载120次)


[单片机开发] DUT

DUT Series data acquisition module temperature sensor (RTD, thermocouples) De Shuchuxinhao or the current, voltage directly into Shuzi amount, via RS-485 bus, and data transfer standard communication agreement Ji Zhu Ji. 89C51 microcontroller in the module by the management module automatically, channel conversion, ADC start, collecting data, reference junction compensation (TC), lead resistance compensation (thermal resistance), digital calibration, linear calibration and data processing by the MCU to complete, the host only needs the data to send read data command, the module has been given a linear temperature of the digital. Communication protocol compatible with Advantech ADAM4000 series and the Panasonic PLC s communication protocol, can be directly connected with most of the configuration software, no additional drivers, technicians do not have temperature sensing capabilities and programming expertise to use. This product is mainly used for a variety of field data acquisition a (2010-05-10, C/C++, 3463KB, 下载106次)


[单片机开发] LED

LED dot matrix display driver writing, school event programs, definitely original! (2010-07-10, C/C++, 158KB, 下载99次)
