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[单片机开发] Timer

  数字式电子钟实际上是一个对标准1Hz进行计数的计数电路,秒计数器满60后向分计数器进位, 分计数器满60后向时计数器进位, 时计数器按24翻1规律计数, 计数输出经译码器送LED显示器, 由于计数的起始时间不可能与标准时间(如北京时间)一致,故需要在电路上加上一个校时电路,该数字式电子钟除用于计时外,还能整点报时,如图所示为多功能数字式电子钟的构成框图。除校时功能外,电子钟处于其他功能状态时并不影响数字钟的运行,该电子钟利用GW48 实验平台的扬声器进行整点报时,设置2个按键作为功能键和调整键。
Digital electronic clock is actually a standard 1 hz for of counting circuit, a second counter after full 60 to carry and runs counter to the full 60 later carry, when counter count by 24 turn 1 pattern, counting output by the decoder to send the LED display, because of the starting time of count can t consistent with the standard time (Beijing time), so it need to be in electric circuit when adding a school on the road, the digital electronic clock except for timing can hour, as shown in the structure diagram of the multi-function digital electronic clock. In addition to the school when the function, the electronic clock is in a state of other function does not affect the operation of the digital clock, the electronic clock USES GW48 experiment platform of the speaker for a hour, set up two keys as function keys and adjust key. (2014-05-25, Java, 187KB, 下载3次)


[单片机开发] CreatePro

Fujian Sinosat phone client acceptance procedures, applies to home-school education sectors pass project (2007-11-06, Java, 115KB, 下载21次)
