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按分类查找All DSP编程(5) 

[DSP编程] metinfo

metinfo enterprise rapid establishment source. Automatic station. (2015-08-20, PHP, 12462KB, 下载1次)


[DSP编程] Three-phase-smart-meter-design

充分地利用了DSP强大的信号处理能力和现代数值分析方法。 设计了电能表前端采样及计量模块的硬件,以及一套符合国标GB/T 17883-1999的 0.2S 级精度要求的算法,同时扩展了谐波分析功能。系统概述为:三相电压、电流 AD 采样,采样数据通过串口送至处理器(DSP),由 DSP 对采样数据作电参数计 量和谐波分析,处理结果通过定制 LCD 显示,并通过脉冲口发出有功、无功校 表脉冲。DSP 采用 ADI 公司的 BLACKFIN531-16 位定点芯片,最高处理能力可 达 800MIPS, 采样芯片为 16bit 的AD73360, 支持六通道同步转换, 无同步误差。数字化、高精度、创新性和可扩展性是本项目的特点,准同步采样算法和谐波分 析是本项目的新颖之处。
Make full use of the DSP powerful signal processing ability and the modern numerical analysis method. Design the Watt-hour meter front sampling and measuring module of hardware, as well as a set of accord with national standard GB/T 17883-17883 of 0.2 S Accuracy of algorithm, at the same time extend the function of harmonic analysis. System overview: three-phase voltage and current The AD sampling, sampling data via a serial port sent to the processor (DSP), electric parameter meter by DSP of the sampling data Quantity and harmonic analysis, process the results with a custom LCD display, and through pulse mouth making active and reactive power Table pulse. DSP adopts BLACKFIN531 of ADI company- a 16-bit fixed-point chip, the highest processing capacity Up to 800 MIPS, sampling chip AD73360 for 16 bit, supports six channels synchronous conversion, no synchronization error. Digital, high precision, innovative and extensibility ? (2015-05-26, Windows_Unix, 665KB, 下载15次)


[DSP编程] ButtordFilter

自己编写的巴特沃斯直接数字滤波器设计IIR低通滤波器实例函数,文件已带使用说明//编 写 人:Chernic//学 校:广州大学//联系邮箱:iamchernic@gmail.com
I have written directly Butterworth IIR digital filter design examples of low-pass filter function, file with instructions for use// Write the person: Chernic// School: Guangzhou University// Contact E-mail: iamchernic@gmail.com (2013-08-27, matlab, 1KB, 下载7次)


[DSP编程] ButtordBinFilter

自己编写的巴特沃斯双线性变换法设计设计IIR低通滤波器实例函数,文件已带使用说明//编 写 人:Chernic//学 校:广州大学//联系邮箱:iamchernic@gmail.com
I have written the bilinear transform design Butterworth filter design IIR-DF function, file with instructions for use// Write the person: Chernic// School: Guangzhou University// Contact E-mail: iamchernic@gmail.com (2013-08-27, matlab, 2KB, 下载2次)



本项目充分地利用了DSP 强大的信号处理能力和现代数值分析方法。设计了 电能表前端采样及计量模块的硬件,以及一套符合国标GB/T 17883-1999 的0.2S 级精度要求的算法,同时扩展了谐波分析功能。系统概述为:三相电压、电流 AD 采样,采样数据通过串口送至处理器(DSP),由DSP 对采样数据作电参数计 量和谐波分析,处理结果通过定制LCD 显示,并通过脉冲口发出有功、无功校 表脉冲。DSP 采用ADI 公司的BLACKFIN531-16 位定点芯片,最高处理能力可 达800MIPS,采样芯片为16bit 的AD73360,支持六通道同步转换,无同步误差。 数字化、高精度、创新性和可扩展性是本项目的特点,准同步采样算法和谐波分 析是本项目的新颖之处。
This project fully utilize the DSP s signal processing capability and powerful modern numerical analysis. Design Meter sampling and measurement module front-end hardware, and are consistent with national standard GB/T 17883-1999 of the 0.2S Level accuracy of the algorithm, and extends the harmonic analysis. System is summarized as: three-phase voltage, current AD sampling, sampling data sent through the serial processor (DSP), the sampled data from the DSP design for electrical parameters Volume and harmonic analysis, the results through customizable LCD display, and issued by the pulse port active and reactive school Table pulse. DSP ADI s BLACKFIN531-16 bit fixed-point chip, the maximum processing capability Of 800MIPS, 16bit chip sampling of AD73360, support six-channel simultaneous conversion, no synchronization error. Digital, high-precision, innovation and scalability characteristics of this project, quasi-synchronous sampling algorithm and sub-harmonic Analysis i (2011-08-13, Visual C++, 666KB, 下载83次)
