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[matlab编程] CREW

UMass Boston WaveLab. MATLAB code repository for PL-Security simulation. Work in progress (2018-09-10, TeX, 0KB, 下载0次)


[matlab编程] nmo

nmo is very nice nice nice,use it for free (2020-11-12, matlab, 1KB, 下载7次)


[matlab编程] 北京市三甲医院基本数据(未精校)

Training data set, including a variety of three hospitals, you can filter yourself (2019-08-19, Python, 57KB, 下载1次)


[matlab编程] white_balance

自动白平衡是一种重要的偏色校 正技术.提出了一种新的基于灰轴调整的自动白平衡算法.
Automatic white balance is an important color correction technology. A new automatic white balance algorithm based on gray axis adjustment is proposed. (2018-05-21, matlab, 2723KB, 下载11次)


[matlab编程] 229281

World famous Columbia University department of CS 2010 fall are using teaching material I am using (2017-05-29, Java, 5KB, 下载1次)


[matlab编程] CLRC663-DataSheet-Chinese

CLRC663 是高度集成的收发器芯片,用于 13.56 兆赫兹的非接触式通讯。CLRC663 收发器芯片支 持下列操作模式 • 读写模式支持 ISO/IEC 14443A/MIFARE • 读写模式支持 SO/IEC 14443IB • JIS X 6319-4 读写模式支持(等效于FeliCa 1 方案,请参阅章节 21.5) • 相应于 ISO/IEC 18092 的被动发起方模式 • 读写模式支持 ISO/IEC 15693 • 读写模式支持 ICODE EPC UID/EPC OTP • 读写模式支持 ISO/IEC 18000-3 mode 3/ EPC Class-1 HF CLRC663 能够透过内建发射器直接驱动外置天线与 ISO/IEC 14443A 或 MIFARE 卡片进行通信,而无 需附加有源电路。数字模块负责全部的 ISO/IEC 14443A 组帧和错误检测功能(奇偶校验和 CRC 循環 冗餘校驗)
The CLRC663 is a highly integrated transceiver IC for contactless communication at 13.56 MHz. This transceiver IC utilizes an outstanding modulation and demodulation concept completely integrated for different kinds of contactless communication methods and protocols at 13.56 MHz. The CLRC663 transceiver ICs support the following operating modes • read/write mode supporting ISO/IEC 14443A/MIFARE • read/write mode supporting ISO/IEC 14443B • read/write mode supporting JIS X 6319-4 (comparable with FeliCa 1 (see Section 30.5) scheme) • passive initiator mode according to ISO/IEC 18092 • read/write mode supporting ISO/IEC 15693 • read/write mode supporting ICODE EPC UID/ EPC OTP • read/write mode supporting ISO/IEC 18000-3 Mode 3 The CLRC663’s internal transmitter is able to drive a reader/writer antenna designed to communicate with ISO/IEC 14443A/MIFARE cards and transponders without additional active circuitry. The receiver module (2016-08-18, C51, 3436KB, 下载14次)


[matlab编程] wm

水面无人艇(Unmanned Surface Vehicle)的航迹控制对提升无人艇艇载设备 侦察观测效果以及多任务作战能力具有十分ffi要的意义。由于受到风、浪、流等 干扰环境影响,水而无人艇将产生六自由度的操纵运动,具有很强的非线性和随 机性。这将致使无人艇的航向航迹及姿态控制具有一定的难度,因此需要对水面 无人艇建立六自由度操纵模型,更好地实现对无人艇的控制。 采用经典的MMG分离建模思想,依托浜本刚实提出的水平附体坐标系,建 立水面无人艇的六自由度操纵运动方程。分析无人艇艇体、桨、舵所受的流动动 力和力矩,分别建立流体惯性力模型、流体粘性力模型、螺旋桨推力模型及舵机 模型。 考虑海况和气象环境的影响,分析风、浪作用于无人艇上的T扰力。将随机 风简化为定常风,建、风的干扰力数孕模型 采用傅汝德-克茁洛火(Froude - Krylov) 假设,研究规则波中无人艇受到的T扰力,述立波浪的r扰力数学投型。 在数学模型的站础上述立?于MATLAB/Simulink的仿i t校型,并进行典型的 冋转试验,分别分析不同海况下的无人艇的问转情况。无人艇丨 丨主航行时,在不 同海况下,绘制出其航速及船摇炻的变化曲线。通过总结分析,推论出多种海况
The course and track control of unmanned surface vehicle (USV) is important to improve the observational effect of the recon reconnaissance equipment and the multi- -mission operational capability. Because of the effects of wind, wave and flow, the unmanned surface vehicle will produce six degrees of freedom movement which has randomicity and nonlinearity. It is difficult of the course, track and attitude control of unmanned surface vehicle, so six degrees of freedom movement model is built for the better control of unmanned surface vehicle. According to the classic MMG s separated modeling theory and the horizontal body axes system which was developed by Hamamoto, this thesis describes a six degrees of freedom motion equation of unmanned surface vehicle. Through analyzing the hydrodynamic force and moment, the fluid inertia force model, the fluid viscous force model, propeller thrust model and steering gear model are built respectively. Considering (2016-03-29, matlab, 4842KB, 下载79次)


[matlab编程] OSC

正交信号校币(OSC)是一种新近发展起来的数据预处理方法,它ff匀基本思 想是仅从光谱矩阵X上移除与相应值矩阵Y正交的部分
Orthogonal signal correction(OSC)is a uew popular pretreatment method,and its basic idea is that it rcn30ves tile pal‘ts linearly unrelated(orthogmml)to the response matrix Y spectral matrix X. (2015-12-30, matlab, 4071KB, 下载29次)


[matlab编程] toolbox_calib

camera calibration (2015-07-13, matlab, 279KB, 下载3次)


[matlab编程] easy2

GPS clock system is for the automation system in the computer, control devices, such as the school s high-tech products, GPS digital products the GPS satellite to obtain the standard time signal. GPS clock system is a school for the automation system of the computer, control devices and other high-tech products, GPS digital products it the GPS satellites to obtain standard time signal, the information is transmitted through various kinds of interface types to the automation system need time information equipment (computer, protective devices, fault record filter, the sequence of events recording device, automatic safety device, RTU), so as to achieve the system time synchronization. (2015-06-27, matlab, 1KB, 下载1次)


[matlab编程] RADON

Radon transform finishing school compiler, file complete. (2015-01-28, matlab, 3KB, 下载10次)


[matlab编程] Matlabshixi

This is my school a matlab job is to write a GUI interface to achieve open the image, draw histogram, edge detection and other functions. (2014-12-04, matlab, 7445KB, 下载7次)


[matlab编程] linsanpinpuxiaozheng

Discrete spectrum correction procedures discrete spectrum correction procedure (2014-03-13, matlab, 46KB, 下载65次)


[matlab编程] chapter01

prmlmatlab algorithm procedures for the preparation of each chapter, these programs are the major schools of large cattle carefully prepared, give us great help to learn MATLAB (2013-09-16, matlab, 3KB, 下载2次)


[matlab编程] PLL-and-FLL-in-digital-costas-loop

锁相环和锁频环在数字costas环中的应用.pdf 一篇关于costa环路的新颖设计方案,包含大量的仿真图和性能分析,对学习锁相环有很大帮助
And frequency-locked loop PLL digital costas loop in the application. Pdf a novel about the costa loop design, contains a large number of simulation map and performance analysis are very helpful for learning PLL (2013-09-04, matlab, 763KB, 下载107次)


[matlab编程] IsPrime

自己编写的简单素数(质数)判断函数,文件已带使用说明//编 写 人:Chernic//学 校:广州大学//联系邮箱:iamchernic@gmail.com
I have written a simple primes (prime) to determine the function// Write the person: Chernic// School: Guangzhou University// Contact E-mail: iamchernic@gmail.com (2013-08-27, matlab, 1KB, 下载5次)


[matlab编程] matlab

Using matlab to do camera calibration, including the whole process of experiment and lab reports (2013-07-02, matlab, 5780KB, 下载34次)


[matlab编程] housing-price--estimate

2011 西电数模校赛编程B题 一二三线城市房价的预测 用到GM11 及残差模型
GM11 (2011-11-22, matlab, 14KB, 下载19次)


[matlab编程] MATLABzhonghefudaohezhinan

The full name of the book " Mastering MATLAB-comprehensive counseling and guidance," Li Xi' an Jiaotong University is one thick, Ping-An Zhang translation school in 1997 after the publication of the article on the basics of using MATLAB are described, and examples of the way through the contents of plain and easy to make understand (2011-07-26, WORD, 610KB, 下载4次)


[matlab编程] imageAuthentication0_1

图像认证技术,源码最新下载自美国名校The University of Texas at Austin的Brian L. Evans教授的实验室网站
Matlab programs for image authentication downloaded from Professor Brian L. Evans in University of Texas at Austin in USA (2010-11-02, matlab, 275KB, 下载21次)
