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[人工智能/神经网络/深度学习] angular2-training-prezentation

Angular 2 prezentation (2018-04-22, CSS, 1889KB, 下载0次)


[人工智能/神经网络/深度学习] HappyCat

HappyCat, this is a relatively complete project (although the functionality is very simple), which was developed during the school internship project. It is a joke sharing platform that only completes the basic functions (the repeated coding later is too boring, and the workload that meets the school s requirements stops, you know). But although sparrows are small, they have all five organs. Technology stack: Maven project management, Spring+Sp (2022-02-14, CSS, 3374KB, 下载0次)


[人工智能/神经网络/深度学习] campus-robot-with-web

本项目为山东大学2021届数据科学与人工智能实验班学期作业项目 本项目使用HTML5程序完成用户注册、登录、修改密码界面及对应功能,在登陆后的对话界面接入百度paddlepaddle/百度大脑unit所训练的问答机器人,可以回答关于山东大学威海校区的校园基本问题 ,
This project is a semester assignment project for the 2021 Data Science and Artificial Intelligence Experimental Class of Shandong University. The project uses an HTML5 program to complete the user registration, login, password modification interface, and corresponding functions. After logging in, the dialogue interface is connected to a question answering robot trained by Baidu PaddlePaddle Baidu Brain Unit, which can answer basic questions about the campus of Shandong University Weihai Campus (2023-02-07, CSS, 71KB, 下载0次)
