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[其他书籍] Western-economics-courseware

十分有用的名校名师讲解的西方经济学 值得拥有
Western economics courseware Chapter 12 full version (2015-03-04, PPT, 1176KB, 下载2次)


[其他书籍] tec

This is an elite class of communications technology, tutorials, hoping it would be useful to some users (2010-12-06, PPT, 1742KB, 下载3次)


[其他书籍] cadence

cadence讲义_清华微电子所,很详细,很实用,名校教材。candence是全球最大的 EDA 公司提供系统级至版图级的全线解决方案 系统庞杂,工具众多,不易入手除综合外,在系统设计,在前端设计输入和仿真,自动布局布线,版图设计和验证等领域居行业领先地位具有广泛的应用支持电子设计工程师必须掌握的工具之一
Microelectronics, Tsinghua _ cadence notes, the very detailed and very practical, school teaching materials. candence is the worlds largest EDA companies to provide system-level map of the entire class system of complex solutions, tools large and difficult to start in addition to a comprehensive, in system design, the front-end design entry and simulation, automatic placement and routing, layout design and verification, etc. areas of the industry leader with a wide range of applications in support of electronic design engineers must master one of the tools (2009-08-03, PPT, 2958KB, 下载141次)
