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[.net编程] kaoshixinwen

管理员具有管理员后台登录功能;可以实现(包括发布新闻信息、修改已发布新闻信息、删除已发布新闻信息)新闻中心的功能; 具有管理(包括上传成绩信息、删除成绩信息、修改成绩信息)考试信息的功能; 具有管理(包括增加新院校信息、删除院校信息、修改院校信息)院校信息的功能; 普通用户: 具有浏览、查询新闻信息的功能; 具有查询考试信息的功能; 具有浏览、查询院校信息的功能;
Administrator with administrator login feature background can be achieved (including the release of news and information, changes have been releasing news and information, delete the published news and information) information center functions With management (including performance information upload, delete, performance information, to modify performance information) test information functions With management (including the addition of new institutions of information, delete the college information, colleges modify the information) the function of information institutions Ordinary users: With browse, search news and information functions Test information functions with the query With a browser, query the function of information institutions (2011-05-04, Visual Basic, 3013KB, 下载5次)


[.net编程] xuVB.NET

通过应用Visual Basic .NET技术对浙江机电职业技术学院设备管理系统进行开发,设计并实现了分权限的系部分项负责设备管理系统(设备报修/报损/查询/检查/数据备份模块设计)。通过对学校设备管理的现状及其重要性进行了分析,提出实现学校设备管理系统的必要性与可行性。针对该校的日常业务流程,分析数据来源及数据处理流程,并根据收集到的资料设计适合该校的日常设备管理系统。最后使学院设备资产的评估更加容易,更好地为教学、科研服务。
Through the application of Visual Basic. NET technology Zhejiang Vocational and Technical School of Electrical and Mechanical equipment management system development, design and realization of the sub-rights component of the Department is responsible for equipment management system (equipment, repair/reported loss/inquiry/inspection/data backup module design). Management of school facilities and the importance of the status quo analysis, to achieve the school' s need for equipment management system and feasibility. For the school' s day-to-day business processes, analysis of data sources and data processing procedures, and in accordance with the design of data collected for the school' s day-to-day equipment management system. Institute of equipment to make the final assessment of the assets more easily, and better for teaching and research services. (2009-04-15, Visual Basic, 883KB, 下载19次)
