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[微信小程序] weiphp_addons

基于开源weiphp 微 信 公众平台开发的一套“家校通” 微 信 项目
A set of "home school connection" WeChat project developed based on the open source weiphp WeChat public platform (2016-12-07, PHP, 0KB, 下载0次)


[微信小程序] nfc_attendance_system_server

NFC Attendance System | 智慧校園NFC考勤系統 | 智慧校園NFC考勤系統配套後端服務器
NFC Attendance System | Smart Campus NFC Attendance System | Smart Campus NFC Attendance System Supporting Backend Server (2021-04-10, PHP, 0KB, 下载0次)


[微信小程序] 微教育小程序2.42.7

The micro-education applet, home-school interaction is fully covered, including all the files in the background and front-end of the applet. Microengine version, can be used in pro-test, no encrypted files, you can do secondary development by yourself (2021-02-22, PHP, 9108KB, 下载0次)
