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[微信小程序] Echarts

合肥工业大学2015级本科新生 信 息可视化展示 (基于Echarts框架对2015级大一新生从性别,学院, 校区,民族,生源地,出生日期,生日等多个维度进行可视化展示,由合肥工业大学 微 信 公众号
The visual display of information of 2015 s undergraduate freshmen of Hefei University of Technology (based on the Echarts framework, the visual display of 2015 s freshmen from multiple dimensions such as gender, college, campus, nationality, birthplace, date of birth, birthday, etc. is carried out by the WeChat official account of Hefei University of Technology (2017-12-06, HTML, 0KB, 下载0次)


[微信小程序] Qamar

北京大學軟件與微電子學院 (PKU SS) 校園問題反饋系統 (Flask + WeChat Mini Program)
PKU SS Campus Problem Feedback System (Flask+WeChat Mini Program) (2019-03-19, HTML, 0KB, 下载0次)
