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[PHP编程] quai-antique

Le quai古董是Savoyard餐厅的web应用程序。这是我在学校的期末考试,一个培训评估(称为EC...,
Le quai antique is a web application for a Savoyard restaurant. This is my final exam for my school, an in-training assessment (called ECF in French). The project works under Tailwind and Symfony (2023-10-24, PHP, 0KB, 下载0次)


[PHP编程] xwytxl_v1.7

The school worry free address book management system is designed to facilitate the internal inquiry of communication information anytime and anywhere in the unit. Users can check the contact information of personnel in real time on the mobile terminal, and make phone calls to improve the internal communication efficiency in an all-round way. The system is suitable for schools, educational institutions, enterprises and institutions to query the address book management on the Internet. (2020-04-20, PHP, 989KB, 下载0次)


[PHP编程] bbq

PHP Confession Wall Source Campus Edition is a campus confession wall php source code developed with hybbs. It can be used on campus or between schools, and can be packaged as an APP. (2020-03-15, PHP, 5854KB, 下载0次)


[PHP编程] 微教育多校版4.03.1%2B小程序专用版2.42.6开源

Micro education, school notice, attendance, job notifications, with installation tutorials, small programs. (2018-11-13, PHP, 24661KB, 下载17次)


[PHP编程] zaixianjiaoxue

蒲公英在线教学系统致力于打造人人易用的学习服务平台,通过更高效、更智能、更精准地匹配师生资源,为老师及学生提供多种增值服务和学习工具,全力创建一个专业、简单、智能、安全的高品质学习服务的第三方平台,让学习变得更加容易、平等和高效。 蒲公英在线教学系统,真正实现 网页浏览器、Windows客户端、Mac客户端、苹果App、安卓App、微信、小程序 全平台运行的教学系统。 演示站点:http://demo.zaixianjiaoxue.net 安装说明:http://help.zaixianjiaoxue.net
Dandelion online teaching system is committed to creating an easy-to-use learning service platform for everyone, providing a variety of value-added services and learning tools for teachers and students through more efficient, intelligent and accurate matching of teacher and student resources, and striving to create a professional, simple, intelligent and safe third-party platform for high-quality learning services. Make learning easier, more equal and more efficient. Dandelion online teaching system, the real realization of web browser, Windows client, Mac client, Apple App, Android App, Weixin, small program platform running the teaching system. Demonstration site: http://demo.zaixianjiaoxue.net Installation instructions: http://help.zaixianjiaoxue.net (2018-09-20, PHP, 1923KB, 下载3次)


[PHP编程] achievement

奇网校微信吸粉系统使用说明 功能介绍:通过成绩,信息,资讯,题目与答案等信息查询来为公众号吸粉丝,所有的信息需要关注公众号才能查看。从需使每一个需要查看信息的人都需要扫码关注微信公众号。
The odd school system for use WeChat powder Function Description: through the information query of achievements, information, topics and answers to attract fans for the public number, all information needs to pay attention to the public number to see. People who need to make every need to view information need scavenging to pay attention to the WeChat public number. (2018-02-22, PHP, 22811KB, 下载5次)
