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[网络编程] Score

校无忧成绩查询系统是为了满足学校教务管理中学生成绩查询的需求而制作,提高了学校教务管理的方便和实用性。系统适用于学校、教育机构、企事业单位在互联网上进行网上成绩查询的在线平台。 系统主要功能: 1、页面基本信息设置 2、多类别成绩查询 3、科目自定义设置 4、批量导入导出成绩
The school anxiety inquiry system is designed to meet the needs of students' educational management in middle school, and improve the convenience and practicability of school administration. The system applies to schools, educational institutions, enterprises and institutions on the Internet online query results online platform. Main functions of the system: 1, the basic information page settings 2, multi class results query 3, subject custom settings 4, batch import and export results (2017-07-04, ASP, 371KB, 下载3次)


[网络编程] 444

In the field of education, the use of computer multimedia and network information technology to promote the overall reform of education, so as to adapt to the new requirements of the information society for educational development. To improve teaching quality, to promote teaching quality is more suitable for teaching class, is the main body of teaching activities. Encouraging teachers' academic exchanges and conducting teaching evaluation is an important way for schools to monitor teaching quality and strengthen teaching quality management.
In the field of education, the use of computer multimedia and network information technology to promote the overall reform of education, so as to adapt to the new requirements of the information society for educational development. To improve teaching quality, to promote teaching quality is more suitable for teaching class, is the main body of teaching activities. Encouraging teachers' academic exchanges and conducting teaching evaluation is an important way for schools to monitor teaching quality and strengthen teaching quality management. (2017-07-11, ASP, 1620KB, 下载1次)
