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[Leetcode/题库] HandWyu

This software is an upgraded version of Yida Performance. This time, the interface has been upgraded completely, and the functions have also changed greatly. The main functions are to check grades, calculate grade points, view learning, import curriculum, school calendar, query exam arrangements, book query, bus query, volunteer time query, meal card loss platform, and a simple English dictionary function. Want to (2018-05-28, Java, 4633KB, 下载0次)


[Leetcode/题库] Shortest-path-query-of-scenic-spots

使用java实现dijkstra算法的最短路径。问题描述: 以顶点表示校平面图中各景点,要有景点名称、代号、简介等信息;以边表示路径,存放路径长度等信息(路径长度可以估算,以米为单位)。 要实现的功能: 1. 为来访客人提供图中任意景...
Use Java to implement the shortest path of the dijkstra algorithm. Problem description: Use vertices to represent each scenic spot in the school floor plan, and provide information such as the name, code, and introduction of the scenic spot; Use edges to represent paths and store information such as path length (path length can be estimated in meters). Functions to be implemented: 1 Provide any scenery in the picture for visiting guests (2018-07-12, Java, 2944KB, 下载0次)


[Leetcode/题库] interview_code

interview_code, 2019校招代码面试记录,Leetcode 牛客网 剑指Offer 名企笔试
interview_ Code, interview record for 2019 school recruitment code, Leetcode Niuke.com Jianzhi Offer written test for famous enterprises (2018-09-16, Java, 3594KB, 下载0次)
