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[Java编程] phileas

The PII and PHI redaction engine (2023-11-16, Java, 0KB, 下载0次)


[Java编程] BE-note

基于校招大厂Java开发的秋招笔记,对后台工程师秋招所需的基础知识(Java IO、os、计算机网络)进行了梳理,参考链接均以超联写形式标出 需要注意的是,本笔记适用于复习&&巩固高频知识点,可能不适用于入门学习 问题||建议||内推,欢迎Issues交流,
Based on the notes of Qiu Zhao, the background engineer Qiu Zhao s basic knowledge (Java IO, OS, computer network) is sorted out. The reference links are marked in the form of hyperlinks. It should be noted that this note is suitable for reviewing&&consolidating high-frequency knowledge points, and may not be suitable for beginner learning problems | | Suggestions | | Push in, and welcome Issues to exchange, (2021-03-31, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[Java编程] programming-play

致力于实习 校招 社招进大厂打法,计算机基础知识学习,C++、Java、算法学习路线,专注于编程打法!,
It is committed to learning basic computer knowledge, learning C++, Java, algorithm learning routes, and focusing on programming play!, (2021-08-15, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[Java编程] cloud-learning-ce

cloud- learning系统是基于Java开发的分布式在线教育系统,可以帮助个人、企业或机构快速搭建一个在线学习平台、网校,满足企业的在线教学、在线培训、企业内训等需求,
Cloud learning system is a distributed online education system developed based on Java, which can help individuals, enterprises or institutions quickly build an online learning platform and online school to meet the needs of enterprises for online teaching, online training, and enterprise internal training, (2022-12-29, Java, 0KB, 下载0次)


[Java编程] 单例模式

A HFUT class is constructed in the single instance mode. The HFUT class contains school name, school building history and other attributes. The getschool method is provided for both the student class and the teacher class. The return value is the HFUT object instance.In the main class with the main method, several teacher objects and student objects are generated, and their school instances are obtained respectively. The functions "=", "equal" are used to compare and judge whether there are similarities and differences. (2019-12-08, Java, 3KB, 下载2次)


[Java编程] SchoolOnline

JAVA WEB项目:校讯通及校园OA系统,使用SSM框架搭建
A program of Java web。School-online (2016-11-01, Java, 6043KB, 下载50次)


[Java编程] bishe1

Graduation design workflow school-enterprise cooperation mode is different from the original model, so the original graduation design management system is no longer applicable, the system that is in accordance with the requirements of the development of a school-enterprise cooperation model applies to the current mode of graduate design management systems, designed to improve graduate management level, thus improving the quality of graduate design. (2014-05-08, Java, 11963KB, 下载23次)


[Java编程] School-research-management-system

Research and development of a school management system, you want the results to help (2011-12-02, Java, 17259KB, 下载15次)


[Java编程] MultiFunctional_Calendar

A multi-purpose calendar and realize the selection of background, set the alarm, set the school calendar and other unique features. (2011-06-03, Java, 2KB, 下载16次)


[Java编程] src

download renren pictures (2010-12-28, Java, 2KB, 下载17次)


[Java编程] WyManageSystem

华中科技大学图书馆管理系统 1. 多校区联网 2.无bug 3.正在使用中
Huazhong University of Science library management system 1. Multi-campus network 2. No bug 3. Is in use (2009-12-09, Java, 376KB, 下载37次)


[Java编程] asda

java正在载入华育国际大连软件校区大连华育国际为国家培养紧缺型人才拿高薪学软件就到华育国际 (2009-03-24, Java, 8KB, 下载30次)


[Java编程] ShopingHelper

个人消费助理 早期的在学校的实训作品 使用ACCESS 数据库
Assistant Early personal consumption at the Training School works (2009-03-02, Java, 102KB, 下载32次)


[Java编程] PetClinicManageSystem

JAVA-based structure of the BS pet clinic management system. Was written in the school, we instruct you. (2009-02-04, Java, 2905KB, 下载39次)


[Java编程] aa037

1。超强文件读写锁定,防止文件丢失。 2。会员资料可随时备份或还原。 3。会员投注号码分为多个文件记录,实现“自动查单”“人工查单”无忧。 4。号码投注多款选择提交,方便不同投注金额。 5。使用javascript语言,即时反应错误信息、赔率刷新,减少服务器负担。 6。查证来访URL源,防止程序非法测试操作。 7。号码赔率调动时,号码栏变色提示。 8。三重数据记录投注项目、绝对安全。 9。二级代理员自增下线会员,管理会员。
1. Superacid documents to read and write locks to prevent file loss. 2. Member information may at any time to back up or restore. 3. Member betting number is divided into a number of document records, the realization of Automatic search single single artificial Cha worry-free. 4. Betting choose to introduce a variety of numbers to facilitate the different bets. 5. The use of javascript language, immediate response error message, odds set to reduce the burden on the server. 6. URL to visit to verify the source and prevent the illegal test operation procedures. 7. Number odds mobilization, the number column prompted discoloration. 8. Triple data records of bets, absolute security. 9. Since agent 2 by line members, management members. (2008-04-22, ASP, 337KB, 下载61次)


[Java编程] zdsoft

schools teaching a comprehensive management system, includes many functions. (2007-06-29, Java, 425KB, 下载14次)


[Java编程] jspwangxiao

系统简介:用JSP开发的网校系统 谢谢使用
System : JSP development of the School for the use of system Thank you (2007-05-01, Java, 625KB, 下载16次)


[Java编程] java+jsp华源网校+西部软件jsp版

java jsp 聊天室 写的非常好好nnn nnng
java chat room was a very good nnnnnnnnng (2006-01-07, Java, 767KB, 下载78次)


[Java编程] java+jsp华源网校+西部软件jsp版

School for the western version of the software jsp (2005-01-17, Java, 680KB, 下载106次)


[Java编程] 0943

JSP Huayuan Western School JSP version of the software, with the information publishing and management functions (2004-12-20, WINDOWS, 697KB, 下载51次)
