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[*行业应用] AutoStuMis

温州市电力汽校学员管理系统.主要功能是学员记录的新建,修改,删除,学员考试上车时间的安排。该软件功能简单,主要使用到了ODBC数据库,Windows 标准控制等等基本的编程元素。非常适合初学者练习和参考
Wenzhou City Electric Steam school student management system. Main function is to record a new student, modify, delete, student exams on the bus timing. The software features simple, the main use to the ODBC database, Windows standard control, and so the basic programming elements. Very suitable for beginners to practice and reference (2009-12-23, Visual C++, 196KB, 下载7次)


[*行业应用] Lazhi

works inclined straightening procedures, hope you like (2004-12-13, Visual C++, 1KB, 下载14次)
