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[Windows编程] PL0_CPPBuilder

Computer Science and Technology Department of Computer Science, University City Campus of Guangdong University of Technology, the compiler principle experiment using the program. (2016-01-09, C++ Builder, 381KB, 下载2次)


[Windows编程] danhang

[问题描述] 设计一个校园导游程序,为来访的客人提供各种信息查询服务。 [基本要求] (1)设计福州大学新校区的校园平面图,所含景点不少于十个。以图中 顶点表示校内各景点,存放景点名称、代号、简介等信息;以边表 示路径,存放路径长度等信息。 (2)为来访客人提供图中任意景点相关信息的查询。 (3)为来访客人提供图中任意景点的问路查询,即查询任意两个顶点之 间的一条最短的简单路径。
[Description of the problem] to design a campus tour program for visitors, providing information services. [Basic requirements] (1) the design of the new campus of Fuzhou University campus plan, contained less than 10 spots. Vertex to map the various scenic spots in the school, the name of the storage sites, the code of the brief information to edge that path, the path length of storage of information. (2) for the visitors to provide map information on any attractions inquiries. (3) provide visitors attractions map arbitrary query to ask the way, that is, queries between any two vertices of a shortest simple path. (2009-06-17, C++ Builder, 1879KB, 下载36次)


[Windows编程] bcb-show

源码转自无忧寒泥: http://www.5uhn.com
Transfer from the cold source to worry about mud: http://www.5uhn.com (2007-07-13, C++ Builder, 1482KB, 下载3次)
