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[Windows编程] 3Dbiaoqian

3D sphere tag cloud is a text-based JS achieve 3D text keywords tag cloud dynamic effects code. By the beauty, photo, irrigation, movies, novels, Europe, Japan and South Korea, attractive, funny, sexy, wallpaper, swimwear, romance, romantic, funny, girly, colleagues, martial arts, science fiction, lesson plans, papers, charming, black silk, horror, music, games, GG resources, courseware, humor, big breasts, private photos, schools, money, thousands of brain, pure, cloud computers composed of text keywords spherical 3D dynamic effects. (2016-05-31, ASP, 5KB, 下载1次)


[Windows编程] cwy_code

Hello! Welcome to Favorites [Chang worry Code System. This system is in Amakusa studio favorites code on the basis of secondary development, add code category management functions, bug fixes, optimization of some unnecessary code. (2016-05-17, ASP, 79KB, 下载1次)


[Windows编程] wuyou_2.1

Worry personal navigation- simple and efficient to create a personal Web site navigation, away the more traditional multi-virus ads site navigation station, with convenient online search system and set a variety of networking tools. (2016-05-16, ASP, 4593KB, 下载1次)


[Windows编程] AspSchool_dangan

a.超级管理员可以通过后台设置系统LOGO 标题 首页连接等操作,无需软件支持直接后台设置。 b.一般管理员可以收录数据 查询数据 修改数据 添加评论 查看评论 删除评论等操作。 c.随时随地备份数据库让你的数据安全高效。 d.所有的文本域都经过五层过滤让您的数据安全无忧。 e.数据库留有未用字段方便系统升级。 f.数据库经过加密不用担心被下载。
a. super administrator can connect through the background to set the system LOGO title page and other operations, without software support direct backstage settings. b. Usually the administrator can modify the data included in the data query data delete comment Add comment View comments and other operations. c. Back up the anywhere to get your data safely and efficiently. d. All five text fields have been filtered to keep your data secure. e. No upgrade left the field with a convenient system. f. the is encrypted without fear of being downloaded. (2016-04-27, ASP, 2255KB, 下载1次)


[Windows编程] cooperation

A website of sch_corp cooperation,include multi_item of cooperation. (2014-09-22, ASP, 14542KB, 下载4次)


[Windows编程] wycq

worries legendary Download Station private servers (with database) (2007-05-12, ASP, 747KB, 下载178次)
