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[搜索引擎] SitePageRank

The ranking data collection of the school website in the search engine is used to observe and record the ranking of the number of pages searched by Google. (2015-07-02, PHP, 7105KB, 下载0次)


[搜索引擎] blog

emlog是国人开发的一个博客程序,功能绝不含糊,性能十分出色。与wordpress相比,更贴近国人的使用习惯,而且比wp速度快很多he。 功能介绍 支持日志url自定义,对搜索引擎更为友好 独有的碎语(微博)功能,让你用简单的文字记录生活 一键式更换模板,方便快捷打造个性博客 清爽的日志撰写页面、配以自动保存,书写博文更加舒适无忧 日志草稿箱功能,方便保存你未完成的日志 完美支持手机访问,随时随地记录你的生活 支持离线写作
emlog is people develop a blog program, function unambiguously, the performance is very good. Compared with wordpress, closer to people' s habits, but he is much faster speed than wp. Features support for custom log url, more friendly to search engines unique broken language (microblogging) feature that allows you to record life with a simple one-button text replacement template, quick and easy to create personalized blog refreshing bloggers pages, with auto-save, worry more comfortable writing Bowen log Drafts function, convenient to save your unfinished logs perfect support for mobile access, anytime, anywhere recording support offline Writing Your Life (2014-01-02, PHP, 127KB, 下载3次)
