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[网络] ntp_client

功能:ntp客户端,实时校时 运行环境:linux 内核版本:2.6.25-14.fc9.i686 描述:严格按照rfc1305的规范来编写的ntp客户端程序,时间服务器使用国家授时中心。ip: 程序中有必要的注释,便于阅读,复制在任意目录下直接make,./ntp_client就可以实现时间的实时校对。 根据需要可以选择粗略对时和精确对时两种,但在精确对时的时差和延迟计算方法上还有待进一步研究。 enjoy!
Function: ntp client, real-time environment for the school run: linux kernel version :2.6.25-14. Fc9.i686 Description: rfc1305 in strict accordance with the norms of the client program written in ntp, time server using the National Time Service Center. ip: procedures necessary to note, easy to read, copy in any directory directly make,./ntp_client time can be achieved in real time proofreading. Can choose according to need roughly the time of the two on time and accurate, but accurate to the time difference and delay time calculation method remains to be further studied. enjoy! (2010-11-08, Unix_Linux, 4KB, 下载129次)


[网络] ssntp

ntp协议实现针对服务器校时 c 源码,linux下开发.
ntp server protocol for school c source, linux under development. (2008-10-23, C/C++, 7KB, 下载78次)


[网络] 2ntp-dev-4.2.0b-20051231

网络时间协议NTP 源码 版本v4.2.0b 该源码用于linux平台下,提供网络校时服务。
Network Time Protocol NTP source version v4.2.0b the source code for linux platform to provide network services to schools. (2007-08-27, Unix_Linux, 2768KB, 下载15次)
